Department of Trade and Industry of the Republic o : PHL submits application to EU-GSP+ Scheme: "Initial estimates indicate that the GSP+ could increase Philippine exports to the EU by 611.8M euros, representing around 11.96% expansion over 2012 Philippine exports to the EU. Product sectors with the highest projected increases are animal or vegetable fats and oils (231.2M euros); prepared foodstuffs (151.2M euros); textiles and garments (79.7M euros); footwear, headwear, umbrellas (28.5M euros); and chemical products (17.1M euros). The projected increase in exports could translate to 267,587 additional jobs both in the agriculture and manufacturing sector.
The application to the EU GSP+ scheme is in accordance with the Philippines' Europe strategy to secure market access preferences, initially through the GSP+ while informal technical discussions are ongoing for a possible PH-EU and PH-EFTA FTAs."
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What is Wellness Pilipinas?
The Philippines' response to the call of World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 to lessen the augment of Lifestyle Diseases of stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc, and the country's compliance to United Nations Climate Change Peace Building Campaign in 2007. Wellness Pilipinas! was conceived by "Wellness for Peace" Author, Public Speaker & former Peace Ambassador Zara Jane Juan. It consists of pep talks, workshops, symposiums & fora meant to achieve wellness in mind, body, spirit & economics as tools for peace & nation-building. Wellness Pilipinas aired as a live TV show at GNN via G-SAT Asia from 2009-2010 supported by private and public corporations
Monday, December 16, 2013
UPDATE: DTI submits application to EU-GSP+ Scheme. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Gregory L. Domingo recently signed the Philippine application to the GSP+ plus Scheme of the European Union. The EU GSP+ arrangement is a special incentive scheme for sustainable development and good governance anchored on the effective implementation of 27 international conventions on human and labor rights, environment and governance principles to which the Philippines is a signatory. The Philippine application will be submitted to the EU Delegation Office in Manila for subsequent transmittal to DG Trade of the European Commission. The application will be subjected to review and assessment within a period of 10 months and includes documentary requirements relative to the country's ratification of the 27 international conventions and an undertaking to accept regular EU monitoring to ensure implementation of the conventions mentioned. The DTI as lead agency for this initiative has concluded more than a year of preparatory work involving inter-agency consultations and industry briefings on the requirements and benefits of the scheme. The application is supported by industry groups and associations who would like to take advantage of the GSP+ preferences, particularly the textile and garments and the tuna sectors. DTI Undersecretary Adrian Cristobal Jr. stated that "the manufacturing industry roadmap identifies government interventions in assisting the private sector in gaining more access to markets. The sustainability of the tuna and garments sectors will greatly contribute to the revival of the country's manufacturing industry since these sectors account for more than 50% of the country's industry labor force."
UPDATE: Positive outlook on Philippine banking system | The Jakarta Post. Moody's Investors Service says that it is maintaining its positive outlook on the Philippine banking system for the next 12 to 18 months, as it has been since December 2012. “The positive outlook is in line with our expectation that gross domestic product [GDP] growth in the Philippines will remain one of the strongest among emerging-market economies over the next 12 to 18 months," Simon Chen, a Moody's assistant vice president and analyst, said in an official release Monday. "In that context, credit growth is likely to be in the range of 13 percent to 15 percent on an annual basis, while asset quality will be supported by the robust economy and relatively low retail credit penetration.” Moody's conclusions were contained in its just-released "Banking System Outlook: Philippines". The report says that the positive outlook for the banking system is based on an assessment of five factors: operating environment - positive; asset quality and capital - stable; funding and liquidity - stable; profitability and efficiency - stable; and systemic support -- positive. The report points out that the Philippine government's preliminary forecast after the powerful Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines' Eastern Visayas region early last month, is that the storm should lower GDP growth this year by 0.3-0.8 percentage point. In contrast, the country's GDP rose 7.4 percent year-on-year in the first nine months of 2013.
Moody’s maintains positive outlook on Philippine banking system | The Jakarta Post: "Moody's report also says the system's level of non-performing assets should remain stable, after dramatic improvements in recent years, while provision coverage continues to rise. In addition, despite strong loan growth in recent years, household indebtedness and corporate leverage remain low, with total system credit to GDP at about 40 percent, and on a slightly declining trend."
WELLNESS IN ENVIRONMENT: Philippine bishops urge president to halt planned real estate development. Citing environmental concerns, 21 Philippine bishops, including Manila Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, urged President Benigno Aquino III to halt real estate development projects that involve land reclamation from Manila Bay. “Former reclamation projects in these areas have resulted in disastrous flooding,” the bishops stated. “Will the projected economic gains sufficiently and justifiably compensate the damage in life, ecosystems and property in the future?”
Philippine bishops urge president to halt planned real estate development : News Headlines - Catholic Culture: "The bishops added that it would be “wiser to boost tourism and cultural preservation by restoring old historical sites and buildings rather than build on reclaimed land to the detriment of the livelihood of the people and the environment,” according to a Philippine Daily Inquirer report."
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013
WELLNESS IN TRADE & INDUSTRY: DTI seeks to fill growing coffee demand. "The prospects of the coffee industry comes to the forth with the ever increasing demand for coffee," DTI Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) Regional Director Myrna P. Pablo during the recent Philippine Coffee Conference in Baguio City. Pablo is also the national industry cluster manager for the coffee industry.
Department of Trade and Industry of the Republic o : DTI seeks to fill growing coffee demand: "A series of activities using various methodologies such as the focus group, value chain approach, and industry clustering were conducted to design appropriate development plans and strategies for the coffee sector.
Pablo also noted the inclusion of the coffee sector in the National Industry Cluster Capacity Enhancement Project (NICCEP), a three-year project launched in 2012, resulted to reinforcing efforts of enablers and operators in the coffee value chain towards the promotion and development of the sector.
The NICCEP is funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in coordination with the DTI to develop and mobilize pilot industry clusters nationwide. It aims to help increase the contribution of selected priority industry clusters such as the coffee industry cluster to the country's economy. "
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Pablo also noted the inclusion of the coffee sector in the National Industry Cluster Capacity Enhancement Project (NICCEP), a three-year project launched in 2012, resulted to reinforcing efforts of enablers and operators in the coffee value chain towards the promotion and development of the sector.
The NICCEP is funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in coordination with the DTI to develop and mobilize pilot industry clusters nationwide. It aims to help increase the contribution of selected priority industry clusters such as the coffee industry cluster to the country's economy. "
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WHO | WHO emergency response in the Philippines. When Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines on 8 November 2013, WHO’s emergency response system was activated. Under the emergency response, WHO is working with the Government of the Philippines to analyze the damage done to the health infrastructure and determine the immediate needs of the Philippine people.
WHO | WHO emergency response in the Philippines: "An important part of emergency response is the shift from responding to the treatment of the injured to the health of people with chronic conditions or to those who are in need of regular medical treatment. This story demonstrates how WHO is able to make this shift, providing support for pregnant women, new mothers, vaccinations for children and enabling local health facilities to deliver essential medical services for people."
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WELLNESS IN EDUCATION: To sustain the recovery efforts, Philippine Disaster Recovery Foundation (PDRF) and its partners will promote livelihood through emergency employment programs, labor-intensive projects, technical-vocational skills training and enterprise development. Meanwhile, the microfinance sector will be tapped to help create sustainable livelihood that would give affected families a chance to start anew. Initial partners are the Philippine Business for Social Progress, ASA Philippines, CARD MRI, Microcredit Council of the Philippines and Land Bank of the Philippines. PDRF is also holding discussions with the United Nations-International Labor Organization and Oxfam to pursue collaborative efforts in these areas. (PR)
HelpPH launches global donation drive | Sun.Star: "For this purpose, PDRF is firming up cooperative arrangements with organizations like the Philippine Red Cross, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Caritas Manila, Philippine Business for Social Progress, Gawad Kalinga, the United States Agency for International Development and the GSMA, the global association of the mobile phone industry.
Immediate relief operations will be prioritized for remote areas not reached by mainstream relief distribution. Corporate members will be tapped to provide transport, logistics and communications support to enabletimely coordination of relief efforts by government and relief agencies.
This includes “information as relief” to provide affected communities with news and information through mobile phones, the Internet, social media and satellite TV, as well as medical relief through on-the-ground missions, telemedicine and psycho-social therapy."
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Immediate relief operations will be prioritized for remote areas not reached by mainstream relief distribution. Corporate members will be tapped to provide transport, logistics and communications support to enabletimely coordination of relief efforts by government and relief agencies.
This includes “information as relief” to provide affected communities with news and information through mobile phones, the Internet, social media and satellite TV, as well as medical relief through on-the-ground missions, telemedicine and psycho-social therapy."
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WELLNESS IN ENVIRONMENT: China hospital ship to set sail for Philippine typhoon zone and is sending a state-of-the-art hospital ship to the Philippines following foreign and domestic criticism that it was slow and less than generous in its response to one of the world's biggest typhoons, which killed at least 4,000 people. The Foreign Ministry in Beijing confirmed the deployment of the 14,000-tonne "Peace Ark" as state television reported the arrival of the first batch of Chinese relief supplies in the Philippines. Exactly where the Ark will operate and when it will arrive have not yet been confirmed, but Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the Ark would set sail as soon as possible. "China has always been concerned about the Philippines typhoon disaster," he said. "In the spirit of helping the dying and healing the injured, we plan to send rescue workers to the disaster area."
China hospital ship to set sail for Philippine typhoon zone | Reuters: "Tension between China and the Philippines had risen in recent months over disputed claims in the South China Sea, with Manila taking Beijing to a United Nations court to challenge its historic claim to much of the strategic waterway.
China's usually hawkish Global Times, a tabloid owned by the government mouthpiece, the People's Daily, last week urged the deployment of the Ark amid criticism of Beijing's response by foreign commentators.
China, the world's second-largest economy, initially announced it was giving $200,000 and then bumped that up by $1.6 million. On Sunday, it said it was ready to send rescue and medical teams."
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China's usually hawkish Global Times, a tabloid owned by the government mouthpiece, the People's Daily, last week urged the deployment of the Ark amid criticism of Beijing's response by foreign commentators.
China, the world's second-largest economy, initially announced it was giving $200,000 and then bumped that up by $1.6 million. On Sunday, it said it was ready to send rescue and medical teams."
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WELLNESS IN ARTS: Intramuros is hotspot for CCP and NCCA arts and culture festivals in 2014. It was a simple invitation extended by Intramuros administrator Atty. Marco V. Sardillo III to Chris B. Millado, Vice President and Artistic Director of the Cultural Center of the Philippines. Yet, behind those three words was a desire to move beyond traditional spaces in Old Manila. “[He was only talking about Fort Santiago, so I went,] 'you know what? Out of the box.' I said, 'Tara, let's walk', so we walked all the way to Maeztranza, and then I showed him the space. Sabi ko, 'Isn't this fantastic? Can't you just imagine people performing here?'” said Sardillo.
Intramuros is hotspot for CCP and NCCA arts and culture festivals in 2014 | Lifestyle | GMA News Online: "Venues of the likes of Raha Sulayman, Aduana, and even certain streets will see theatrical and musical performances, folkloric dancing, clown shows, and even tiangges and workshops. But Intramuros is only the northern tip of this cultural iceberg. “The idea is, we're going to transform Intramuros, Roxas Boulevard—all the way to CCP—as the Arts and Culture Mile for at least a weekend in February, so it becomes the most creative place on earth for two days,” explained Millado."
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Rotary Clubs Worldwide Mobilize In Support Of Typhoon-Ravaged Philippines. "It has been astounding to see Rotary clubs and Rotarians around the world mobilizing so quickly to support the people of the Philippines," said Becky Maynard, ShelterBox Director of Fundraising and Communications. "This overwhelming generosity is allowing ShelterBox to commit more life-saving shelter each day but the need remains huge. We are working directly with Rotarians in the Philippines and we have Rotarian Response Team members on the ground. The partnership between ShelterBox and the global Rotary family really demonstrates how, through service and support, we can make a real difference to people in their greatest hour of need." A donation of approximately US$1000 will allow ShelterBox to deliver emergency shelter and other lifesaving equipment to a family that has lost everything following a disaster.
Rotary Clubs Worldwide Mobilize In Support Of Typhoon-Ravaged Philippines - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee: "As news of the killer typhoon spread, thousands of Rotary clubs in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas quickly set up special funds and began collecting donations and supplies. Among the first were established by Rotary districts in the Philippines and Australia.
Looking ahead, Rotary will focus on intermediate and long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts. The experience and knowledge of Rotary members in the Philippines will be essential in ensuring that resources are used for projects and programs that address true community needs.
Rotary in the Philippines Rotary has a long tradition in the Philippines, beginning with the Rotary Club of Manila, chartered as Rotary's first club in Asia in 1919, just 14 years after Rotary was founded in Chicago, Ill., USA. Today the Philippine Islands are home to 830 Rotary clubs with a total membership of nearly 22,000 men and women. The country has produced one president of Rotary International, M.A.T. Caparas, who served 1986-87."
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Looking ahead, Rotary will focus on intermediate and long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts. The experience and knowledge of Rotary members in the Philippines will be essential in ensuring that resources are used for projects and programs that address true community needs.
Rotary in the Philippines Rotary has a long tradition in the Philippines, beginning with the Rotary Club of Manila, chartered as Rotary's first club in Asia in 1919, just 14 years after Rotary was founded in Chicago, Ill., USA. Today the Philippine Islands are home to 830 Rotary clubs with a total membership of nearly 22,000 men and women. The country has produced one president of Rotary International, M.A.T. Caparas, who served 1986-87."
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013
WELLNESS IN ENVIRONMENT: Philippine fishery talks move to formal level. Taiwan and the Philippines are currently holding their first formal fishery talks in decades, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday. The goal of the talks, which began on Monday in Taipei, is to discuss the implementation of proposals made at a previous meeting in June on maintaining order in the waters where the two countries’ exclusive economic zones overlap, ministry spokesperson Anna Kao (高安) confirmed. “We also hope to further implement a consensus reached during the preparatory meeting and establish institutionalized negotiations,” she said.--Taipei Times
Philippine fishery talks move to formal level - Taipei Times: "Despite being pressed by the media, Kao declined to provide further details on the talks’ agenda, the officials who are heading the discussions and whether a joint statement will be issued after the talks. “The talks are ongoing,” she said. “We’ll reveal related details after the talks are completed.” The June 14 meeting, which was billed as a “preparatory” talk, came in response to an incident on May 9 in which a Philippine Coast Guard personnel opened fire on a Taiwanese fishing boat in the two countries’ overlapping maritime territories. The incident left 65-year-old Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-cheng (洪石成) dead and triggered a diplomatic standoff that lasted until early August. One of Taiwan’s conditions for ending the stalemate was to open talks on ensuring a safe environment in which fishermen from both sides can operate."
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Wellness in Arts: Philippine Opera Company’s ‘Ang Bagong Harana’ returns onstage. Due to insistent public demand, Philippine Opera Company’s Ang Bagong Harana returns on stage on Oct. 11 to 20 at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium, RCBC Plaza, Makati City. Ang Bagong Harana takes off from the success of Philippine Opera Company’s musical revue “Harana.” Harana is a Tagalog word that connotes a traditional form of courtship in which a man woos a woman’s affection by singing love songs. The harana or kundiman became a mainstream musical style with veteran performers, namely Diomedes Maturan and Ruben Tagalog, popularizing it until the late ‘60s. Unfortunately, with the advent of newer music genres, “harana” has been left behind. Today, the young generation may not even know its real essence as far as Filipino folk traditions are concerned because they are more drawn to western influences. This is the reason why the Philippine Opera Company brings back Ang Bagong Harana. “We need to remind ourselves of how beautiful our music is and how much our souls can be enriched by hearing these songs sung again,” said Karla Gutierrez, artistic director. “
Philippine Opera Company’s ‘Ang Bagong Harana’ returns onstage | Arts and Culture, Lifestyle Features, The Philippine Star | "“Ang Bagong Harana is a must-see production for every Filipino because it represents the very best that we, the Filipino race, can be. The show is an effective way of communicating our greatness as a nation. This will be a musical treat for foreigners, too!” Karla added.
Ang Bagong Harana will feature Philippine theater’s celebrated singers — Karla Gutierrez, Aizel Prietos, Cris Go, Janine Santos, KL Dizon, Lawrence Jatayna, Michael Odoemene, Nazer Salcedo, Al Gatmaitan, Jurgen Unterberg with the Ramon Obusan Folkloric Group.
Directed by Floy Quintos, Ang Bagong Harana will have a limited run on Oct. 12, 18, 19 at 8 p.m. with matinees on Oct. 11 at 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 20."
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Ang Bagong Harana will feature Philippine theater’s celebrated singers — Karla Gutierrez, Aizel Prietos, Cris Go, Janine Santos, KL Dizon, Lawrence Jatayna, Michael Odoemene, Nazer Salcedo, Al Gatmaitan, Jurgen Unterberg with the Ramon Obusan Folkloric Group.
Directed by Floy Quintos, Ang Bagong Harana will have a limited run on Oct. 12, 18, 19 at 8 p.m. with matinees on Oct. 11 at 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 20."
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Friday, September 13, 2013
PEACE UPDATE: Aquino flies to besieged Zamboanga City. President Benigno Aquino III has flown to Zamboanga City Friday amid an ongoing standoff between the military and renegade members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). “President Aquino en route to Zamboanga City to assess the situation on the ground w/ concerned agencies,” Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said via Twitter. Aquino left Manila 7:30 a.m. and is expected to arrive in the besieged area at around 10 a.m., Palace officials said. His visit comes amid reports that some members of the so-called Nur Misuari faction of the MNLF are planning to lay down their arms. - Yahoo! News Philippines
Aquino flies to besieged Zamboanga City - Yahoo! News Philippines: "Interior Secretary Mar Roxas denied rumors that some 80 armed men surrendered Thursday night, even as he noted that talks continue.
Armed Forces spokesperson Lt. Col. Ramon Zagala meanwhile said they are confirming reports that 20 MNLF members have been killed.
The firefight in Zamboanga City erupted after a Monday attack by alleged followers of MNLF leader Nur Misuari who has earlier declared independence for Mindanao.
Violence has crippled the city and has forced thousands of Filipinos to stay in cramped evacuation centers.
In a statement Thursday, presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda warned the MNLF fighters to stand down or face the full force of the military.
“[T]hey should not entertain the illusion that the state will hesitate to use its forces to protect our people,” Lacierda said. "
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Armed Forces spokesperson Lt. Col. Ramon Zagala meanwhile said they are confirming reports that 20 MNLF members have been killed.
The firefight in Zamboanga City erupted after a Monday attack by alleged followers of MNLF leader Nur Misuari who has earlier declared independence for Mindanao.
Violence has crippled the city and has forced thousands of Filipinos to stay in cramped evacuation centers.
In a statement Thursday, presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda warned the MNLF fighters to stand down or face the full force of the military.
“[T]hey should not entertain the illusion that the state will hesitate to use its forces to protect our people,” Lacierda said. "
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Thursday, September 12, 2013
WHO News: International Association for Suicide Prevention and the World Health Organization are encouraging people all over the world to light a candle in observation of the 11th annual World Suicide Prevention Day. "For us, it's an opportunity to get the word out about the programs we have on the prevention side," Deborah Heim, co-chair of the Schuylkill County Suicide Prevention Task Force, said Monday. The suicide rate has been on the rise in Schuylkill County in recent years, Heim said. "The only thing that we see a lot of are people with relationship issues and a lot of drug and alcohol involvement. But I don't know if there are any trends, if you will," Heim said. According to the website for the U.S. Census Bureau at, the population in Schuylkill County in 2012 was 147,063. "From 2002 to 2008, there were, on average, 18 suicides per year in the county. Then in 2009, the year after the Great Recession, if you will, it jumped up to 35," Schuylkill County Coroner Dr. David J. Moylan said previously. Heim said there were 20 suicides in 2010. In 2011, there were 19 and in 2012, there were 32. In July, Moylan said there had been 14 suicides in Schuylkill County so far in 2013. As of Monday, it was up to 17, Heim said. The theme of this year's World Suicide Prevention Day is "Stigma: A Major Barrier for Suicide Prevention" according to IASP website at "Nearly 1 million people worldwide die by suicide each year. This corresponds to one death by suicide every 40 seconds," according to the site. It's estimated that 25 percent of people who commit suicide suffer from mental illness, according to the site. "Yet a significant number of those with mental illnesses who die by suicide do not contact health or social services near the time of their death. In many instances, there are insufficient services available to assist those in need at times of crisis. This lack of access to appropriate care is one of the many factors that magnify the stigma associated with mental illness and with suicidal ideation and behavior," according to the site. There are numerous resources in the area for people suffering from depression, community groups looking to learn more about suicide prevention and families suffering from the loss of a loved one who took their own life.
Organizations encourage everyone to observe World Suicide Prevention Day - News - Republican Herald: "There are numerous resources in the area for people suffering from depression, community groups looking to learn more about suicide prevention and families suffering from the loss of a loved one who took their own life.
At Schuylkill Health, the emergency department at Schuylkill Medical Center-South Jackson Street performs mental health screenings for people with suicidal tendencies.
"Its not a free service but we would never turn anybody away, and if anyone is suicidal, they can come right to the emergency department and we can screen them to see what level of treatment they needed," Helene Creasy, program director for behavioral health services at Schuylkill Health, said Monday.
People with suicidal tendencies can also call a Local Crisis Line promoted by the Schuylkill County Suicide Prevention Task Force, 877-9WE-HELP, according to Heim.
The task force was formed in 1996 in response to state statistics that showed Schuylkill County had one of the highest suicide rates in the state, Heim said."
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At Schuylkill Health, the emergency department at Schuylkill Medical Center-South Jackson Street performs mental health screenings for people with suicidal tendencies.
"Its not a free service but we would never turn anybody away, and if anyone is suicidal, they can come right to the emergency department and we can screen them to see what level of treatment they needed," Helene Creasy, program director for behavioral health services at Schuylkill Health, said Monday.
People with suicidal tendencies can also call a Local Crisis Line promoted by the Schuylkill County Suicide Prevention Task Force, 877-9WE-HELP, according to Heim.
The task force was formed in 1996 in response to state statistics that showed Schuylkill County had one of the highest suicide rates in the state, Heim said."
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HEALTH UPDATE: DOH begins high school vaccination program. Health department officials launched the program at the Baguio City National High School with a simple program and a ceremonial vaccination. Health teams will go from classroom to classroom to provide the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and the tetanus and diphtheria vaccine to students who have a letter of consent from their parents. The program is part of the country’s 2007 commitment to eliminate vaccine preventable diseases, including measles, mumps, rubella and diphtheria. As part of the program, the department’s goal is to provide booster MMR and Td vaccines to approximately 19,600 high school students in 22 public high schools in Baguio City. The department will also provide vaccines to students in the provinces of Apayao and Abra | Vaccine News Daily
Philippines DOH begins high school vaccination program | Vaccine News Daily: "The program is part of the country’s 2007 commitment to eliminate vaccine preventable diseases, including measles, mumps, rubella and diphtheria. As part of the program, the department’s goal is to provide booster MMR and Td vaccines to approximately 19,600 high school students in 22 public high schools in Baguio City. The department will also provide vaccines to students in the provinces of Apayao and Abra."
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WOMEN'S CAUSES: To advance women's role in the economy, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), together with the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) and a local private sector organization, will attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation-Women and the Economy Forum (APEC-WEF) in Bali, Indonesia this month. "We look forward to the opportunities in the upcoming Women and the Economy Forum will present for the Philippine hosting of the APEC Women and the Economy Summit in 2015," DTI Undersecretary for Management Services Nora K. Terrado said. This forum is the third WEF, which is organized under the main theme of "Women as economic drivers". It is a follow up to the Women and the Economy Summit 2011 in San Francisco, and the WEF 2012 in St. Petersburg.
Department of Trade and Industry of the Republic o : DTI to attend APEC Women and the Economy Forum in Bali: ""Through our participation in the discussions during this forum, we hope to contribute substantially in the collective efforts to advance women's role and participation to achieve gender equality in economic development in the Asia-Pacific region," Terrado added. "As the lead government agency in the country's hosting of the APEC-WES in 2015, the DTI has recently collaborated with a local women's private sector organization," she said."
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WELLNESS IN EDUCATION: Outstanding Teachers Awarded by Metrobank. These are: Fely A. Batiloy of Special Education Integrated School for Exceptional Children (Iloilo City); Dr. Mitchel V. Rodriguez of Odiongan Central School (Gingoog City); Cherry G. Vinluan of Guagua Elementary School (Guagua, Pampanga); Rodel C. Sampang of Pedro Guevarra Elementary School (City of Manila); Dominique J. Maquiran of the University of the Philippines High School in Iloilo (Iloilo City); Dr. Maria Teresa M. Bautista of Bacnotan National High School (Bacnotan, La Union); Marcelo T. Otinguey of Ampusongan National High School (Bakun, Benguet); Maria Lorna L. Garnace of Philippine Science High School, Eastern Visayas Campus (Palo, Leyte); Dr. Alfredo C. Robles, Jr. of the De La Salle University (City of Manila); and Dr. Emilyn Q. Espiritu of the Ateneo de Manila University (Quezon City).
Metrobank Foundation confers outstanding Filipinos | Sun.Star: "Since 1979, Metrobank Group founder and Chairman Dr. George S.K. Ty believes that leadership in business entails leadership in community service as well. Beyond serving as an expression of gratitude and a reward for their excellence, its recognition programs for outstanding Filipinos have become a testament to the abilities and potential of our democratic institutions and people to bring about change.
Now on its 29th year, SOT, in partnership with the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education, honors the teaching profession, recognizing those who exhibit competence, remarkable dedication to their work, and effective educational leadership, as well as their various community involvements.
Now on its 29th year, SOT, in partnership with the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education, honors the teaching profession, recognizing those who exhibit competence, remarkable dedication to their work, and effective educational leadership, as well as their various community involvements.
WELLNESS IN BUSINESS: Insurance products readied for Philippine farmers. International Finance Corp. (IFC), the private sector funding arm of the World Bank, is working with partners to design new insurance products that aim to protect Filipino farmers against costly typhoon-related losses. Filipino farmers have lost an estimated $2.5 billion to inclement weather since 2009, IFC said in a statement released on Wednesday. The 2012 World Disaster Report ranked the Philippines as the third-most disaster-prone country in the world, with an average of 20 typhoons per year. IFC said it had teamed up with the Center for Agriculture and Rural Development Insurance Agency (CARD) and Pioneer Insurance and Surety Corp. to design the new product. The project is seen enabling CARD Insurance and Pioneer Insurance to offer indemnity insurance to thousands of farmers and rural entrepreneurs as an affordable means to protect their assets and livelihoods. “Farm insurance has not taken off in the Philippines because premium costs are high and payment delays discourage potential clients,” said IFC resident representative Jesse Ang. “The lack of insurance makes farmers vulnerable to losses from calamities. We hope that our latest initiative will help address this problem.” Pioneer Life president Lorenzo Chan Jr. said this was a step to help farmers manage the risks they were facing. The indemnity insurance will be complemented by index-based insurance, which pays benefits by using a pre-determined index that takes into account factors such as wind speed and rainfall levels to estimate losses brought about by bad weather and catastrophes. This approach eliminates the need for traditional insurance claim assessments, enabling farmers to get their compensations more quickly. With these insurance products offered by CARD Insurance to its members, the country’s biggest microfinance institution aims to expand its agricultural lending while helping farmers protect their assets. “This new partnership will help our farmer-clients, who make up nearly half of our 1.8 million clients, mitigate risks,” said CARD chair Jaime Aristotle Alip. | Inquirer Business
Insurance products readied for Philippine farmers | Inquirer Business: "The Global Index Insurance Facility, a multi-donor trust fund managed by IFC, will provide funding and technical advice for the project. The facility is funded by the European Union, Japan and the Netherlands and their implementing partners have insured more than 228,000 farmers and micro-entrepreneurs in developing countries.
Agribusiness contributes about 11 percent to the domestic economy and provides more than a third of the total number of jobs in the country.
IFC said insufficient risk management was a major disincentive to agricultural investment, further hindering economic growth."
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Agribusiness contributes about 11 percent to the domestic economy and provides more than a third of the total number of jobs in the country.
IFC said insufficient risk management was a major disincentive to agricultural investment, further hindering economic growth."
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WELLNESS IN ENVIRONMENT: Philippines Bicycle Made of Bamboo. In 2010, McClelland founded Bambikes, a company that turns locally sourced bamboo into bike frames. The Bambikes workshop is located in the countryside, in the town of Victoria, 130 kilometers from Metro Manila. Bamboo bicycles Out here, the bamboo is harvested from farms and the wild. Bambike’s workers cut, treat and process the material into specialized bike frames. The finished products are not cheap. They start at around $1,200. McClelland said much of the profit, however, goes back into this poor community. “We can produce world-class certified bamboo bicycles for the global market while keeping jobs at home in the rural provincial areas so that the workers can stay with their families and have gainful employment,” he said. Many of the municipality’s 60,000 inhabitants work in rice farming, but that is not a year-round job. McClelland and Victoria’s mayor, Candido Guiam, see mutual benefits in working together. Already, some of Victoria’s farmers are planting bamboo propagules, or seedlings. “So this is an alternative program where we can provide people with work. They plant, they cut, they produce propagules of bamboo, we pay them 15 pesos, that’s good enough for them," said Guiam. "The good thing is after producing the propagules of bamboo, they bring them back to their own backyard. And hopefully in three years they can cut it up and make money out of it.”
Philippines Bicycle Company Says Its Products Protect Environment: "Green material
McClelland visits one of the bamboo nurseries the town supports. He said that in just a couple years this plant will be strong enough to be harvested.
“Bamboo is arguably the greenest building material on Earth. Bamboo is as strong as steel if you use the right species. Its very durable, very strong and can stand up to the demands needed by a bicycle frame,” he said.
McClelland said bamboo can be used to build a lot more than just bike frames. He hopes Bambikes is just the start of a bamboo revolution in the Philippines.
Producer Malte Kollenberg also contributed to this story."
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McClelland visits one of the bamboo nurseries the town supports. He said that in just a couple years this plant will be strong enough to be harvested.
“Bamboo is arguably the greenest building material on Earth. Bamboo is as strong as steel if you use the right species. Its very durable, very strong and can stand up to the demands needed by a bicycle frame,” he said.
McClelland said bamboo can be used to build a lot more than just bike frames. He hopes Bambikes is just the start of a bamboo revolution in the Philippines.
Producer Malte Kollenberg also contributed to this story."
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PEACE UPDATE: UN ready to help civilians displaced in Zamboanga clash. "The United Nations stands ready to support the government of the Philippines in its efforts to provide humanitarian assistance and to alleviate the humanitarian needs of the civilian population affected by the armed clashes in Zamboanga," U.N. resident coordinator Luiza Carvalho said today. At least 15,000 people were displaced after Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) forces, belonging to the faction of the group's founding chairman Nur Misuari, attacked Zamboanga City Monday and took dozens of hostages over allegations that the Philippine government terminated an earlier peace pact. Carvalho called on all parties involved "to respect and protect the rights of the civilian population, provide special attention to women and children and avoid unnecessary human suffering by reaching agreement to end the standoff." "The United Nations Country Team calls for an immediate end to the violence, deeply regrets the loss of innocent civilian lives, and calls for safe passage of civilians caught in the cross fire," she said. | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star |
UN ready to help civilians displaced in Zamboanga clash | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | "Thousands of residents have fled their homes and took shelter in evacuation centers in a gymnasium and schools amid the violence. Food supply is running low. The MNLF used to be the largest Muslim rebel group seeking a separate state in Mindanao until it dropped secessionist demand and settled for limited autonomy under a signed agreement in 1996. But many of its guerrillas held on to their firearms and periodically staged rebellions in the past, complaining the government has reneged on its promise to fully develop impoverished Muslim regions. MNLF's leader, Misuari, opposed the crafting of a peace deal by the government with the currently dominant Muslim rebel group, Moro Islamic Liberation Front."
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GLOBAL PINOY: Two Pinoys Join Race to Space - Two Filipinos have been chosen to go to space camp in a bid to become the country's first astronaut. Evan Rey Datun, a 24-year-old former hotelier, and Mario Mendoza Jr., a 31-year-old Air Force pilot from the military, have been named the winners in the recently concluded AXE Apollo National Challenge held in Bonifacio Global City last August 31. AXE initially received over 28,000 applicants from the Philippines, a list trimmed down to 400 of the best contestants who faced physical challenges. At the event, participants went through an obstacle course to test their fitness and the hundreds were narrowed down to 52. The 52 remaining participants went on to compete in the final round called ‘Last Hero Standing,’ where they were made to stand on a wooden platform and had to carry metal plates or perform physical exercises. One by one, the contestants stepped down until it was just Mario and Evan there.- Yahoo! News Philippines
Two Pinoys join race to space - Yahoo! News Philippines: "AXE Philippines Brand Manager Gem Laforteza says that they will undergo three to four days of astronaut training, flight and G-force simulation. Laforteza advises Mario and Evan to be the best version of themselves once they are in the space camp. “I’m very happy. I think it will be interesting to find out who will eventually go to space given their backgrounds,” he says.
Astronaut wannabes still have a chance as AXE announces a ‘wild card’ candidate that will be selected through an electronic raffle. Details are available at"
Astronaut wannabes still have a chance as AXE announces a ‘wild card’ candidate that will be selected through an electronic raffle. Details are available at"
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
WHO News: Life Expectancy Grows for Women Age 50 and Up. Life expectancy for women who live to age 50 is going up around the world, but poor and middle-income countries could easily make greater gains, according to a new World Health Organization report. Heart disease, stroke and cancer kill most women over 50, said Dr. John R. Beard, director of the W.H.O.'s department of aging, so countries should focus on lowering blood pressure with inexpensive drugs and screening for cervical and breast cancer. Those diseases can be prevented or treated, said Dr. Beard, who was also an author of the study, which was published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Getting women to avoid smoking, excessive drinking and being obese is also crucial, he said. Japanese women live the longest on average. But women in most countries now live longer than they did 40 years ago, thanks to progress against infectious diseases like flu, tuberculosis and pneumonia. Some countries have improved less than others: South Africa has an AIDS epidemic, Russian women suffered when the Soviet health system collapsed, and growing prosperity in Mexico has led to more lung cancer and obesity-related diabetes. -
Life Expectancy Grows for Women Age 50 and Up - "The bulletin also included a report on older women’s right to protected sex, also co-authored by Dr. Beard.
“To some extent, we treat women as vessels of reproduction, and once they’ve done that we don’t pay much attention to them,” he said.
As more women live alone and more older men get drugs for erectile dysfunction, stereotypes about sex and older people need to change, Dr. Beard said, and women should be offered advice on protected sex and screened for sexually transmitted diseases."
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“To some extent, we treat women as vessels of reproduction, and once they’ve done that we don’t pay much attention to them,” he said.
As more women live alone and more older men get drugs for erectile dysfunction, stereotypes about sex and older people need to change, Dr. Beard said, and women should be offered advice on protected sex and screened for sexually transmitted diseases."
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WELLNESS IN TRADE & INDUSTRY: Boosting Philippine exports to Europe - The Philippines seeks to increase its exports to the 27-nation European Union (EU) by applying for more duty-free privileges under the revised Generalized System of Preferences (GSP+) EU scheme to support less developed economies starting January 1, 2014. The country now benefits from the general GSP arrangement which covers 6,209 products, 2,442 of which are subject to zero duty, while 3,767 are subject to reduced tariffs. Philippine top GSP exports to EU include crude coconut oil, pneumatic tires, spectacle lenses, canned tuna, prepared fruits, activated carbon, and imitation jewelry. Last year, the country shipped 1.076-billion euros or P62.8-billion worth of products under the GSP. The GSP+ arrangement has a larger coverage of 6,274 products, all of which are subject to zero duty. Major products that will enjoy zero duties include textiles with 1,125 product lines, agriculture with 918 lines, and fisheries with 292 lines. If the Philippines qualifies for GSP+, the Department of Trade and Industry estimated that Philippine exports to EU may increase by 12% and create 270,000 jobs.- | Tempo - News in a Flash
Boosting Philippine exports to Europe | Tempo - News in a Flash: "Zero-duty preference under GSP+ will benefit other items the Philippines is exporting under the regular GSP, including animal/vegetable fats and oils, machinery and mechanical appliances, chemical, and plastic products. In 2012, Philippine GSP exports to the 27-nation bloc reached €1.07 billion, the largest of which were chemical products (€101.0 million), vegetable products (€5 million), wood and articles of wood (€5 million), and jewelry (€31 million).
To avail of GSP+, a country must meet two conditions. First, products comprise less than 2% of Europe’s GSP imports. Second, countries must have ratified and are abiding by 27 international conventions on human and labor rights, sustainable development, environment, and good governance."
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To avail of GSP+, a country must meet two conditions. First, products comprise less than 2% of Europe’s GSP imports. Second, countries must have ratified and are abiding by 27 international conventions on human and labor rights, sustainable development, environment, and good governance."
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WELLNESS IN SCIENCE & TECH: Aquino approves law for science, math teachers - President Benigno S. Aquino III has signed into law a bill aimed at expanding the coverage of the Science and Technology (S&T) Scholarship Program and building a pool of highly qualified science and math teachers in the country, Malacañang said today. "This Act builds on the current Science and Technology Scholarships offered by the Department of Science and Technology ( DOST), through its Science Education Institute (SEI), as provided for in Republic Act No. 7687, otherwise known as the 'Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 1994,'" the president said. The law envisions a fast tracking of more science, technology, and engineering graduates by offering scholarships to deserving students in their third year of undergraduate study, based on their competitiveness and merit.- | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star |
Aquino approves law for science, math teachers | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | "The state also offers additional incentives to attract the graduates of the scholarship program to pursue a career in teaching science, mathematics and technology in high schools, especially in their home regions. "
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WELLNESS IN EDUCATION: DepEd: Training starts for coaches for differently-abled athletes. Education and sports officials started over the weekend a training for coaches for differently abled athletes, the Department of Education said. The DepEd said it is undertaking the training with the Philippine Sports Association for the Differently-Abled National Paralympics Committee of the Philippines. “These athletes are equally capable and deserving of all the state support they need,” DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro said.- | Sports | GMA News Online
DepEd: Training starts for coaches for differently-abled athletes | Sports | GMA News Online: "Luistro added the training seminar also aims to establish a pool of coaches, trainors, technical officials and classifiers who will "help differently-abled athletes in all levels of competition."
A news release by the DepEd issued Sunday cited DepEd Memo no. 159 providing for the training of trainors, technical and classification seminars for the differently-abled persons."
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A news release by the DepEd issued Sunday cited DepEd Memo no. 159 providing for the training of trainors, technical and classification seminars for the differently-abled persons."
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GLOBAL PINOY: Filipino artist Rodney Yap's 'Primeval' exhibit rocks Wroclaw | Arts and Culture, Lifestyle Features, The Philippine Star |
Filipino artist Rodney Yap's 'Primeval' exhibit rocks Wroclaw | Arts and Culture, Lifestyle Features, The Philippine Star | "Yap adds that art should be with purpose and honesty and without fear. His multi-layered approach fuses hypnagogic images that are both intentional and unexpected. The artist admits that his mind already has the finished work in his head even before the first brushstroke lands on the canvass.
He notes that the exhibit came at the right time as the Philippines and Poland celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year.
The exhibit was made possible through the efforts of art advocate Mabel Guia Acosta. It will move to the Marriott Hotel in Warsaw on September 6."
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He notes that the exhibit came at the right time as the Philippines and Poland celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year.
The exhibit was made possible through the efforts of art advocate Mabel Guia Acosta. It will move to the Marriott Hotel in Warsaw on September 6."
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Wellness in Business: The ASEAN Business Outlook Survey 2014, taken from May 10 to June 10 among 475 American firms in the 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, also showed that 39 of the companies doing business in the Philippines registered the biggest increase in satisfaction over the local business environment from 2008 to 2013. The survey, taken by the US Chamber of Commerce and the American Chambers of Commerce in the ASEAN, showed satisfaction with the Philippines improving in 14 out of 16 business factors including the availability of low-cost labor, trained personnel and raw materials. Improvements were also noted in the fight against corruption, housing costs and new business incentives. The biggest improvement was registered in the stability of the government and political system. The survey also showed the companies projecting higher profits this year and in 2014.- EDITORIAL - Improved environment | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star |
EDITORIAL - Improved environment | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star | "After giving itself a pat on the back, the government should address the key concerns of the companies, which are not new. These include the tax structure, inadequate infrastructure, laws and regulations, the ease of moving goods through Customs, and yes, corruption. While the Philippines is deemed to have shown the most improvement, the country continues to lag behind many of its neighbors in attracting foreign direct investment. The FDI is needed to create the jobs that will make economic growth inclusive — something that has eluded the government despite positive economic performance."
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Tuesday, August 27, 2013
HEALTH: FREE Medicine distributed by DOH due to continuous rain. Public schools in Quezon City, San Juan and Pateros have already been given doxycycline and assorted medicines during dengue and leptospirosis awareness campaign. Health personnel in evacuation centers are also providing doxycycline capsules to evacuees as [a form of] protection from leptospirosis. Regional epidemiology surveillance unit has reported that 133 leptospirosis cases were admitted from Jan. 1 to Aug. 10 this year. “The figure is 63 percent lower than the 357 cases reported for the same period last year. The ages of those affected ranged from 11 months to 82 years. Majority (81 percent) were male. Most of the cases (22 percent) were from the City of Manila. Ten deaths were recorded. DOH-NCR health emergency staff and regional health representatives conducted a rapid health assessment (RHA) in selected evacuation centers in Marikina, Quezon City and Pateros. An RHA is also being done in selected and accessible evacuation centers in Pasay City by the Kalusugan Pangkalahatan health teams.
DOH starts distribution of meds vs leptospirosis | Inquirer News: "Besides the doxycycline capsules being given to affected individuals, doses of vitamin A were also being administered to children in evacuation areas....I advise everyone who will wade in floodwaters to wear protective gear in order not to be affected by leptospirosis,” Eduardo Janairo, the DOH-NCR regional director sain in an interview. He said the DOH was coordinating with the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Flood Control Information Center and the Metro Manila Disaster Risk Reduction Management Center on assistance to be given to the afflicted." CLICK LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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GLOBAL PINOY: Australian Parents learned basic Filipino language with their adopted Filipino children in an event organized by the Philippine Consulate General in Sydney to celebrate the Philippine’s Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa (Month of National Language). The Philippine Embassy in Australia gathered together adopted Filipino children aged three to 13 along with their Australian parents for an interactive Filipino language lesson aimed at teaching them Filipino words they can use at home and in an outdoor setting. According to the Filipino community news site The Filipino Australian, the parents and their children were taught salutation phrases like “Kumusta po (How are you)?”, “Anong pangalan mo (What’s your name)?” “Ako si… (I am…)” and Filipino words for colors, food, and other common objects.
Australian parents taught Filipino words while bonding with their Pinoy kids | Pinoy Abroad | GMA News Online: "Consul General Anne Jalando-on Louis lauded the success of the event, which was the second presentation prepared by the Philippine Embassy for the Australian parents and their adopted Filipino children.
“We are very happy that the Australian parents of the children are very supportive and they take extra efforts to nurture an awareness of Filipino culture and heritage in their adopted children,” she said."
“We are very happy that the Australian parents of the children are very supportive and they take extra efforts to nurture an awareness of Filipino culture and heritage in their adopted children,” she said."
SPORTS: PHL won 2 Gold & 3 Silver Medals in ASIAN YOUTH GAMES 10-day competition among 45 countries and their best athletes in the age bracket of 14-17 years. Padilla, who mastered the rapid air pistol event, said for the second AYG they were able to assemble a good set of athletes from 13 sports disciplines. They produced the results in golf, taekwondo and tennis with promise shown in athletics, badminton, 3-on-3 basketball, fencing, judo, rugby, shooting, swimming, table tennis and weightlifting. Winning the gold were Mia Legaspi and Pauline Louise Lopez while providing the silver were Princess Superal, Francis Aaron Agojo and Jurence Mendoza.
AYG underscores need for sound youth program | Sports, News, The Philippine Star | "The performance of the Filipino athletes in Nanjing surpassed the country’s one-silver, one-bronze effort in the inaugural AYG in Singapore in 2009.
“There should be continuity. Once you identify the talents you must push through with their development,” said Padilla, a five-time gold medalist in the SEA Games.
Padilla knows how it is being a youth athlete because when he was 12 he won the gold medal in the 1976 World Junior Shooting Championships in Mexico." CLICK LINK TO SEE FULL ARTICLE
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“There should be continuity. Once you identify the talents you must push through with their development,” said Padilla, a five-time gold medalist in the SEA Games.
Padilla knows how it is being a youth athlete because when he was 12 he won the gold medal in the 1976 World Junior Shooting Championships in Mexico." CLICK LINK TO SEE FULL ARTICLE
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TRADE & INDUSTRY UPDATE: Development goals and needs of three Philippine industries – manufacturing, chemicals, and copper – were discussed during the Trade and Industry Development Updates forum on August 13, 2013. The three industries were the first batch of over 30 industries for which the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has drum up medium- and long-term plans to guide in policy-making, especially in reviewing Executive Order 61 on import duties. Agribusiness, tourism, and manufacturing, have top government priorities. Manufacturing is the heart of industry growth, with its huge supply chain and economic impact, including the development of the copper and chemical industries. Three development phases have been drawn up for manufacturing until 2025. The first phase (2014 to 2017) will rebuild the capacity of existing industries and strengthen emerging ones. The second phase (2018 to 2021) will shift manufacturing to high value-added activities and integrate with micro, small, and medium enterprises to enhance inclusiveness. The third phase (2022 to 2025) will make manufacturing the hub in Southeast Asia for automotive, electronics, garments, and food. The chemicals industry has a three-phase development plan: By 2016, it will establish the Chemical Industry Council, integrate petrochemicals and target $5 billion in exports. By 2022, it will diversify and expand into the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), improve domestic feedstock, and expect $10 billion in exports. By 2030, local chemicals will be the third-largest export, with $30 billion in revenue. The copper sector will strengthen ties with global copper organizations by 2014. It will be included in the 2014 Investment Priorities Plan to provide direction on open pit mining and on mining economic zones. BOI reported that manufacturing grew by 20.4% in the first quarter of 2013 and drew R3.4 billion worth of investments. It is preparing for ASEAN Economic Integration by 2015.
Bolstering Philippine Trade and Investment | Tempo - News in a Flash: "The Manila Bulletin, led by its Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. Emilio T. Yap, President and Publisher Atty. Hermogenes P. Pobre, Executive Vice President Dr. Emilio C. Yap III, Editor-in-Chief Dr. Cris J. Icban Jr., Business Editor Loreto D. Cabañes, Officers and Employees, congratulate the Philippine Government, headed by H.E. President Benigno S. Aquino III and Vice President Jejomar C. Binay, Department of Trade and Industry Secretary Gregory L. Domingo, Board of Investments Managing Head Undersecretary Adrian S. Cristobal Jr., and Philippine Institute for Development Studies President Dr. Gilberto M. Llanto, in their collective efforts to identify interventions, policies, and strategies for trade and investment that will improve the global competitiveness of industries in the Republic of the Philippines. CONGRATULATIONS AND MABUHAY."
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Monday, August 26, 2013
PEACE UPDATE: Peaceful & Clean Rally at Luneta: 75,000 attended anti-pork protest, say Manila police - Yahoo! News Philippines
75,000 attended anti-pork protest, say Manila police - Yahoo! News Philippines: "Coronel likewise assessed the event as "generally peaceful." "They [The protesters] were true to their word that the rally will be peaceful," the police officer said.
Tens of thousand of Filipino taxpayers staged the social media-driven rally on Monday—the biggest protest action under President Benigno Aquino's watch—to demand the total scrapping of the pork barrel funds and the prosecution of lawmakers involved in the allegedly anomalous release of these funds. '100,000 to 150,000' Vince Lazatin of the Transparency and Accountability Network (TAN), one of the groups that organized the event, said he was "satisfied" with the turnout of the event. He pegged the number of attendees from 100,000 to 150,000."
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Tens of thousand of Filipino taxpayers staged the social media-driven rally on Monday—the biggest protest action under President Benigno Aquino's watch—to demand the total scrapping of the pork barrel funds and the prosecution of lawmakers involved in the allegedly anomalous release of these funds. '100,000 to 150,000' Vince Lazatin of the Transparency and Accountability Network (TAN), one of the groups that organized the event, said he was "satisfied" with the turnout of the event. He pegged the number of attendees from 100,000 to 150,000."
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Sunday, August 25, 2013
My Wish for You Today and Everyday :-)
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My Wish for You Today and Everyday :-)
Hope you like it and share it!
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013
BAYANIHAN SPIRIT: A boy carries his dog whilst wading in floodwaters brought by the monsoon rain, intensified by tropical storm Trami, in Paranaque city | Pinoy bayanihan spirit still alive - Yahoo! News Philippines

A boy carries his dog whilst wading in floodwaters brought by the monsoon rain, intensified by tropical storm Trami, in Paranaque city | Pinoy bayanihan spirit still alive - Yahoo! News Philippines: "A boy carries his dog whilst wading in floodwaters brought by the monsoon rain, intensified by tropical storm Trami, in Paranaque city, metro Manila August 20, 2013. Heavy rains continue to batter the Philippine capital and nearby provinces, causing government offices, schools and some businesses to suspend work, and sending residents to flee their homes. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco (PHILIPPINES - Tags: ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY DISASTER)"
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Monday, August 19, 2013
WELLNESS IN ARTS: Young Filipino artists join Asean Youth Camp. Four young artists, all from different fields, will represent the Philippines in the 2013 Association of South East Asian Nation (Asean) Youth Camp in Singapore Aug. 26-Sept. 1. Following the theme, “In Celebration: Asean Youths Unite,” the delegation aims to promote awareness and understanding of each other’s culture through interactive culture and arts activities, and to build friendship among the young delegates. The youth camp is a biennial event that started in 1998 with the Philippines as host. The delegates are: Lester Babiera for photography/photojournalism, Joseph Martin Gabriel for painting, Rolinda Gilbaliga for traditional music, and Michael Barry Que for traditional dance. Niño Selibio is guide of the delegation.
Young Filipino artists join Asean Youth Camp | Inquirer Lifestyle: "The Asean Youth Camp will have delegates from the 10 members of the Asean—Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Countries such as South Korea, China and Japan have also been invited.
This year’s delegates were chosen based on their portfolios, talent presentations and interviews.
The selection committee was composed of Julius Flores of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Lilian Barco of the Cultural Center of the Philippines, Brenda Fajardo of the University of the Philippines (UP), and 2003 Asean Youth Camp alumnus José Claudio Guerrero." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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This year’s delegates were chosen based on their portfolios, talent presentations and interviews.
The selection committee was composed of Julius Flores of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Lilian Barco of the Cultural Center of the Philippines, Brenda Fajardo of the University of the Philippines (UP), and 2003 Asean Youth Camp alumnus José Claudio Guerrero." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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WELLNESS IN ENVIRONMENT: Hospitals, Healing Patients & Healing Environment: • The zero-waste practice at Maria Reyna-Xavier University Hospital in Cagayan de Oro City; • Safe practices to prevent radiation exposure in General Santos Doctors Hospitals; • Use of safer alternatives for hospital cleaning at St. Paul Hospital, Tuguegarao City; • Sustainable energy production through a biodigester at Perpetual Succor Hospital in Cebu City; • Wastewater treatment at Our Lady of Peace in Las Piñas and Philippine Heart Center; and • Mercury-free dental service at San Lazaro Hospital.
How environment experts envision a ‘green hospital’ | Inquirer Business: "During the launch, Dr. Jorge Emmanuel, chief technical adviser for the UNDP-GEF project, encouraged other hospitals present at the launch to follow the good examples of the featured hospitals. He also urged hospitals who are already members of the GGHH Network to continue to be part of the network in the long run. Six of the seven hospitals featured are already members of the network. Ferrer said: “Everything is interconnected, and we believe that we are now at a point when the health system is going beyond their oath of ‘first do no harm.’ Health systems are now healing, and they are healing not just their patients but the environment too.”" CLICK LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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ROTARY PROJECT: Dengue-Free Philippines Movement mobilizes 300T volunteers in CV larvicide drive. "The massive anti-dengue drive is a project of Rotary International District 3860 under District Gov. Ed Chiongbian. Briones started the larvicide anti-dengue campaign in 2010 when thousands of people, mostly children, suffered from dengue, resulting in more than 100 deaths. In Cebu City alone, more than 15,000 suffered from dengue in 2010 that at least three children share a bed at the city government-run Cebu City Medical Center. After a sustained a sustained larvicide campaign, the dengue cases in the city hover at more than 1,000."
Dengue-Free Philippines Movement mobilizes 300T volunteers in CV larvicide drive - "The massive anti-dengue drive is a project of Rotary International District 3860 under District Gov. Ed Chiongbian.
Briones started the larvicide anti-dengue campaign in 2010 when thousands of people, mostly children, suffered from dengue, resulting in more than 100 deaths. In Cebu City alone, more than 15,000 suffered from dengue in 2010 that at least three children share a bed at the city government-run Cebu City Medical Center. After a sustained a sustained larvicide campaign, the dengue cases in the city hover at more than 1,000." CLICK LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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Briones started the larvicide anti-dengue campaign in 2010 when thousands of people, mostly children, suffered from dengue, resulting in more than 100 deaths. In Cebu City alone, more than 15,000 suffered from dengue in 2010 that at least three children share a bed at the city government-run Cebu City Medical Center. After a sustained a sustained larvicide campaign, the dengue cases in the city hover at more than 1,000." CLICK LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013
WELLNESS IN ENVIRONMENT: Ilocos Fisherman, New! WWF Hero of the Environment. For saving a dolphin trapped in a fishing net, a 63-year-old fisherman from Ilocos Norte has been named the latest “Hero of the Environment” by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF)-Philippines. Francisco Vergara, who alerted authorities after he discovered an adult rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) enmeshed in a fishing net in Badoc town, was recognized by WWF-Philippines for “coming to the aid of a distressed and dying animal.” Setting out at sea on his tiny boat in the wee hours of June 18, the fisherman came across the animal struggling for life in waters between the villages of Pagsanaan Sur and Pagsanaan Norte, the environmentalist group said in a news release. “The senior citizen wasted no time alerting authorities which quickly pooled resources to release the animal by 9:45 a.m.,” WWF-Philippines said. The dolphin appeared healthy and strong by the time of its release, according to the statement. In a simple ceremony on July 25, Vergara was recognized as the latest environmental hero by Badoc Mayor Arlene Torralba, Vice Mayor Tom Torralba, and WWF-Philippines conservation programs vice president Joel Palma. “Despite being a senior citizen, Vergara not only made his country proud—he saved a life. We hope that others can follow his example,” Palma said. WWF’s Heroes of the Environment program was launched in 2009 to reward individuals that show “decisive environmental action.” “Counting Vergara, WWF has awarded a total of 16 people, ranging from a shy 8-year-old that helped save a wounded risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) in Mindoro to highly-acclaimed dolphin and peace mural artist AG Saño, who painted over 30,000 dolphins to protest both the annual killing of dolphins in Japan and the keeping of dolphins in captivity,” Palma said. “To date, Vergara is our oldest awardee,” Palma said.
WWF hails Ilocos fisher as ‘environment hero’ | Inquirer News: "Twenty-eight—a third of all known cetacean (whale, dolphin and porpoise) species—have been recorded in Philippine waters as of 2013, the group said.
Cetaceans plying Philippine waters include the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), the killer whale (Orcinus orca), and the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest creature on earth reaching lengths of 100 feet.
Though all cetacean species are protected under Philippine Republic Act No. 9147, their incidental capture or bycatch remains a serious and pervasive threat, according to WWF-Philippines.
The group has been collaborating with leading Filipino marine mammal experts and conservationists to reduce fisheries bycatch and conduct marine mammal training programs with local governments, coastal communities and private sector allies since 1997." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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Cetaceans plying Philippine waters include the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), the killer whale (Orcinus orca), and the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest creature on earth reaching lengths of 100 feet.
Though all cetacean species are protected under Philippine Republic Act No. 9147, their incidental capture or bycatch remains a serious and pervasive threat, according to WWF-Philippines.
The group has been collaborating with leading Filipino marine mammal experts and conservationists to reduce fisheries bycatch and conduct marine mammal training programs with local governments, coastal communities and private sector allies since 1997." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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GLOBAL UPDATE: 29th Philippine Cultural Arts Festival held in Balboa Park, on the corner of Park Boulevard and Presidents Way. An annual production of Samahan Filipino American Performing Arts & Education Center, the festival with FREE admission opened to business entrepreneurs. The two day family-oriented, alcohol free cultural event showed well-designed stage, traditional folk dances of the Philippines, folk songs, Rondalla String Ensemble and Kulintang music of Southern Philippines
29th Annual Philippine Cultural Arts Festival: August 10-11, 2013 | "The second half of both days featured mainstream entertainment by youthful Filipino-Americans, including singing talent show, hip-hop, jazz dances, and other variety numbers by Asian and Pacific Islander guest artists. Featured in booths are photo exhibit, Philippine crafts, T-shirt with unique designs and costume jewelry.
Delicious Filipino food prepared in local restaurants, including adobo, lumpia, pancit and refreshments such as Halo-halo are made available in food booths.
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Delicious Filipino food prepared in local restaurants, including adobo, lumpia, pancit and refreshments such as Halo-halo are made available in food booths.
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WELLNESS IN EDUCATION: Students attends DOLE’s Project Jobs Fit, key employment generators in the Philippine labor market until year 2020. The Jobs Fit also provided data on the in-demand and hard-to-fill occupations. Through Project Jobs Fit, the government hopes that the problem on jobs and skills mismatch that contributes to unemployment could be properly addressed. DOLE’s efforts in addressing jobs and skills mismatch is in line with President Benigno Aquino III’s 22-point labor and employment agenda, whose overarching goal is to invest in the country’s human resource to make them more competitive and employable. TESDA meanwhile presented to the students its different programs while also emphasizing on the potential of technical-vocational courses as employment drivers of the country’s economy. Schools that were reached by the week-long career advocacy included: St. John Learning Center, Siloam ABC Tutorial and Learning Center, Notre Dame of Tacurong College-High School Department, Notre Dame Siena College of Tacurong, Rajah Muda National High School. AS Bernardo Memorial National High School, Tacurong National High School, and San Emmanuel National High School, VMC City College-High School Deparment, and Quezon Colleges of Southern Philippines-High School Department. Tacurong National High School, with over 2,000 students, had the largest number of participants reached by the career advocacy.
PIA | Philippine Information Agency | 4,500 Tacurong students reached in career advocacy activities: "Mandated by Department Order No. 25, series of 2013 issued by Department of Education, the conduct of Career Guidance Week is in line with the goals of the K-12 Basic Education Program to produce graduates who are ready for higher education, middle level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. "
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Thursday, August 8, 2013
Health Update: Philippine National Health Research System Celebrates! PNHRS Week celebration provides a platform for the various sectors in health research and development (R&D) to interact and learn from each other; share information, experiences, and best practices; voice out and discuss concerns; and contribute research-based solutions to health problems. Around 500 participants from the 17 regional health research organizations are expected to attend the event. The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Department of Health (DOH), established the Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) through a Memorandum of Understanding signed on March 17, 2003. The PNHRS aims to promote cooperation and integration of all health research efforts in the country to ensure that research contributes to health policies and actions. In 2007, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and University of the Philippines Manila (UP Manila) joined as core agencies of the PNHRS.
We celebrate the 7th Philippine National Health Research System Week | Tempo - News in a Flash: "The celebration of PNHRS Week every second week of August is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation 1309 in 2007. This year’s theme is “People at the Center of Health and Health Research.” We congratulate the Philippine National Health Research System led by Department of Science and Technology Secretary Dr. Mario G. Montejo, Department of Health Secretary Enrique T. Ona, Commission of Higher Education Chairperson Dr. Patricia B. Licuanan; and University of the Philippines Manila Chancellor Dr. Manuel B. Agulto, on the occasion of the 7th Philippine National Health Research System Week. We wish them the all the best and success in all their endeavors. CONGRATULATIONS AND MABUHAY!" CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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WELLNESS IN ARTS: Ballet Philippines, Southeast Asia’s longest-running professional dance company inspires through the arts."Kids that are exposed to art in whatever form, they become more intelligent, they read more, they have more interest in studying because their horizons are wider," Ballet Philippines President Margie Moran.said
Ballet Philippines illuminates 44th season with 'Giselle' | Arts and Culture, Lifestyle Features, The Philippine Star | "One of ballet’s greatest romantic tragedies, Giselle is the story of a girl who falls for the wrong man. It will run from August 16-18 at the CCP Main Theater with the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra performing live music on August 16, 8PM and August 17, 6PM. The following month will be Rock Supremo, which essays the life of Andres Bonifacio as a young man who went for his dreams of justice and democracy during a time of political repression. A collaboration with Rock Ed and supported by the National Historic Commission of the Philippines, the production is unique in that it will feature original music from Filipino bands and artists including Gloc 9, Ebe Dancel, Pedicab, Peryodiko, Peso Movement, Sandwich, Radioactive Sago Project, Dong Abay, Diego Mapa, Kai Honasan, and Rico Blanco." CLICK LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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WELLNESS IN EDUCATION: Philippine “Bikes for Education” Program Reduces Dropout Rates. High school students in the Philippines are receiving free bicycles from their Department of Education (DepEd). DepEd has partnered with Bikes for the Philippines Foundation Inc. (BPFI) to deliver bicycles to needy high school students in remote, rural areas. As of now, 100 bicycles have been distributed to students of Baclayon National High School in Bohol. The DepEd is currently in the process of identifying the deserving student-beneficiaries for the second delivery of bicycles from the United States.
Philippine “Bikes for Education” Program Reduces Dropout Rates | Open Equal Free: "This “Bikes for Education” Program, under the umbrella program “Adopt a School”, is combatting dropout rates by providing students that live in distant rural areas with transportation to attend school regularly. Often, the lack of transportation in rural areas of great poverty is the reason that Filipino students have difficulty regularly attending schools. This results in high dropout rates in school. Uichico explains that “students may need to walk over three kilometres one way on rough back roads with no access to or ability to pay for public transportation. Some walk greater distances.” Additionally, many Filipino children are required by their families to complete chores before and after the 8-5 p.m. school day, leaving less times for homework and studying. The bicycles offer a way for children to have more time for school." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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WELLNESS IN ENVIRONMENT: MVP Group of Companies led by businessman Manuel Pangilinan signed an agreement with several partners for the fifth year of the “Shore It Up: Rescue, Restore, Revive” campaign, the country’s longest running corporate-backed environment program. Shore It Up has so far attracted more than 13,000 volunteers and 43 event partners. “We are happy to be invited by Metro Pacific Investment Foundation. Their projects are very worthwhile and very important, especially nowadays that we have to be more conscious about the environment,” said Philippine STAR president and CEO Miguel Belmonte. “It’s our response to everybody’s concern about the environment. Its focus is the waters of the Philippines and the shores,” Pangilinan said. The STAR is the official media partner for Shore It Up, which is now on its fifth year of making a difference in various coastal locations.
MVP, partners shore it up for environment | News Feature, News, The Philippine Star | "An underwater cleanup will be held in Puerto Galera on July 20 and 21, giant clam rearrangement in Hundred Islands in Pangasinan on Aug. 17, coastal cleanup in Subic on Sept. 21 and a marathon in Siargao in October.
Shore It Up was launched in 2009 following the devastation of Tropical Storm Ondoy. Metro Pacific Investment Foundation and volunteer divers from the MVP Group of Companies spearheaded the program.
The first underwater and coastal cleanup was held in the famed dive spot in Anilao, the nearest diving haven to the metropolis.
“With this endeavor, we will not only bring a positive environmental impact but also economic and socio-cultural components for a sustainable tourism program in the area,” said Metro Pacific Investment Corp. vice-president for communications Melody del Rosario.
Shore It Up has been accorded the Anvil Award of Merit for sustained environmental program in 2011 and 2012. It was also given the Best CSR in the Corporate Governance Asia Award and the Silver Award of Excellence in the 5th Global CSR Award, both in 2012." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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Shore It Up was launched in 2009 following the devastation of Tropical Storm Ondoy. Metro Pacific Investment Foundation and volunteer divers from the MVP Group of Companies spearheaded the program.
The first underwater and coastal cleanup was held in the famed dive spot in Anilao, the nearest diving haven to the metropolis.
“With this endeavor, we will not only bring a positive environmental impact but also economic and socio-cultural components for a sustainable tourism program in the area,” said Metro Pacific Investment Corp. vice-president for communications Melody del Rosario.
Shore It Up has been accorded the Anvil Award of Merit for sustained environmental program in 2011 and 2012. It was also given the Best CSR in the Corporate Governance Asia Award and the Silver Award of Excellence in the 5th Global CSR Award, both in 2012." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Global Update: Filipina named among best teachers in New York: Marietta Geraldino, a geometry teacher in 10th and 11th grade at New York City’s Frederick Douglass Academy II, was among the 11 teachers who were given “Big Apple Awards” on June 12. The New York City Department of Education in its website lauded Geraldino for her ability to simplify mathematical concepts for students. “[She] is able to deconstruct the most complex mathematical concepts and make them palpable to even the most resistant students,” the website quoted Geraldino’s principal as saying...
Filipina named among best teachers in New York - Yahoo! News Philippines: "Geraldino was also praised for having “constantly searched for ways to grow as an educator and seeks out professional development opportunities to improve her practice.” “Great teachers are a school's most valuable asset. We must recognize their skills and the impact they have on our students” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. Bloomberg honored the Geraldino and 10 others awardees at a ceremony at Gracie Mansion where they were given $3,500 each and a Big Apple trophy. The Filipina, who spent nine of her 24 years as a teacher in New York City, was chosen from more than 2,000 nominations by students, teachers, schools and families. Born and raised in the Philippines, Geraldino earned her education degree from St. Paul University where she majored in Math and minored in English. She taught high school and college at St. Paul University Surigao from 1987 to 2003. She also served as the program director for St. Paul Quezon City's Bocaue campus. The teacher who is affectionately called “Miss G” by her students attributed her passion for teaching to her father and her grade school math teacher."
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Thursday, July 25, 2013
WOMEN'S CAUSES UPDATE: Magna Carta RA 9710 to protect women in media and film. The task of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of gender equality guidelines, specifically Section 19 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Magna Carta of Women, fell on the hands of a Gender Equality Committee, headed by the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), with members as the Philippine Commission on Women and self-regulatory bodies involved in telecommunications, movie and television, and film production. The Committee formulated three documents, namely, Gender Equality Guide, Code of Ethics for Media, and Guidelines to Protect Women from Discrimination in Media and Film. These documents will be integrated in the government and non-government-related organizations to ensure that women’s needs, issues and concerns in all forms of media, communication, information and dissemination and advertising, are appropriately presented.
Protecting women in media and film | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star | "The President, through Executive Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa Jr., issued Memorandum Circular No. 48, directing all concerned government agencies to adopt the Gender Equality Guidelines in the development of their respective media policies and implementing programs in order to promote gender mainstreaming."
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CHILDREN'S CAUSES UPDATE: Kids with disabilities in NCR gets free medical evaluation and diagnosis as part of the celebration of 2013 National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation (NDPR) Week. The activity is a partnership of the Department of Health - National Capital Region (DOH-NCR) in coordination with the Philippine Association for Citizens with Developmental and Learning Disabilities (PACDLD. ) “We would like these children to be to properly identified, appropriately diagnosed by medical professionals and be provided with the proper treatment and intervention for their care and treatment,” Regional Director Eduardo C. Janairo stated. “We will also educate the parents of these children for them to fully understand their disability and give them the proper care based on their needs,” he added. Medical professionals and hospitals involve in the activity were from the Philippine Children's Medical Center and National Children’s Hospital. DOH-NCR earlier announced that a medical team will evaluate and diagnose children with disability from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the DOH-NCR Amphitheater, Blk. #6, Barangay Road, Welfareville Compound, Barangay Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) gave an estimate of 10% or about 8.5 million Filipinos have disability and 3.9 million needs rehabilitation services on a regular basis. But only 0.9 million were given access to health services. A 2005 study conducted by the Department of Education also reveals that there are 2.7 million Filipino children with disability. Of these only 78,144 (1.9%) are attending school.....
PIA | Philippine Information Agency | Children with disabilities in NCR gets free medical evaluation, diagnosis: "In Metro Manila there is an estimated 100,000 children with disabilities that are yet to be identified and properly diagnosed by a medical professional. Janairo emphasized that DOH-NCR will provide financial support and manpower to perform assessment for targeted children.“We will conduct five medical campaigns for PWDs all over the region to seek out and identify more children with disabilities and provide them their much needed care and medical attention," he said.From 2007-2012, the PACDLD together with DOH-NCR have conducted three batches of Training on the Prevention, Early Detection and Intervention of Disabilities Among Children from selected staff of local government units and parents of PWDs. " CLICK ABOVE LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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PEACE UPDATE: Govt & Muslim Rebels Forge Wealth-Sharing in Peace Accord. “In a show of true commitment, the parties extended the meeting, originally scheduled for four days to six days, to be able to overcome their concerns and reach an agreement,” the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front said in a statement. The pact provides “sufficient guidance” to draft wealth-sharing and revenue-generation provisions of a law expanding Muslim autonomy in a region to be known as Bangsamoro, they said....
Philippines, Muslim Rebels Forge Wealth-Sharing in Peace Accord - Bloomberg: "Muslims will get a 75 percent share of metals resources and an equal split on fossil fuels, Ghadzali Jaafar, the front’s vice chairman, said in a phone interview yesterday. “We are going into the meat of the final deal,” he said. The statement didn’t provide details on the agreement. Ending one of Southeast Asia’s most entrenched conflicts could help bring investors to Mindanao and unlock mineral deposits worth an estimated $312 billion. The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao had per capita gross domestic product of 26,004 pesos ($599) in 2011, about a fourth the national average of 103,366 pesos and the lowest among 17 regions, according to the National Statistical Coordination Board." CLICK ABOVE LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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WELLNESS IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Filipino made MOSES tablet leads 'smart' tech at national science week. Filipino-made tablet computer specially built for disaster preparedness is one of the "smart" technologies highlighted at the 2013 National Science & Technology Week (NSTW) this week. The Mobile Operational System for Emergency Services, or MOSES, an 8-inch tablet computer designed for use by government officials and disaster response personnel, was unveiled on the first day of the NSTW. The tablet is locally designed and produced, and is meant for use by officials to monitor and plan for upcoming natural calamities.
MOSES tablet leads 'smart' tech at national science week: "Information flow is two-way: It can receive real-time weather, flood, and disaster information from the state weather bureau PAGASA and from the National Operational Assessment of Hazards (Project NOAH), through pre-installed applications. Users, on the other hand, can provide data and images of their location, particularly during calamities, such as floods and landslides. Data from the field are collected by the project's command center, and will be mapped to give an accurate view of the situation on the ground. The information will also be used for warnings and alerts during disasters." CLICK LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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Wellness in Trade & Industry: Hopes for China-ASEAN Expo to boost ties. The 10th China-ASEAN Expo, known as CAEXPO, will be held from September 3 to 6 in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. The Philippines is scheduled to be the Country of Honor. Responding to the marine disputes between China and some ASEAN members, including the Philippines, Vice Minister of China Gao Yan said the Department of Trade and Industry of the Philippines has confirmed the schedule and set up a team to prepare for the event. "The approaching CAEXPO aims to boost economic cooperation between China and ASEAN members. We expect all sides to focus on cooperation and develop a positive atmosphere," Gao said.
Hopes for China-ASEAN Expo to boost ties|Business| "China is the largest trade partner of ASEAN members while they are China's third-largest trade partner.Bilateral trade between China and ASEAN members experienced fast growth over the past decade and hit $400.1 billion in 2012 with Chinese exports amounting to $204.3 billion and imports standing at $195.8 billion, leaving a trade surplus of $8.5 billion, according to the Ministry of Commerce. China has long had a trade deficit from the bilateral trade. The deficit volume registered $16.4 billion in 2003, accounting for 21 percent of the year's bilateral trade size, and reached $20.1 billion in 2004, about 19 percent of the two-way trade volume in the year, Gao said. "In the near future, China is likely to maintain a trade surplus with ASEAN members," said Zhao Jianglin, an economics expert at the China Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies." CLICK ABOVE LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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WELLNESS IN BUSINESS: DOST MICROFINANCE for small businesses created P73B sales, 44,000 jobs and penetrated over 2,200 new markets within 10 years. The half billion-peso alloted this year for DOST’s Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program or SET UP will be expanded next year . Science Secretary Mario G. Montejo refused to name an exact number citing organizational, logistical factors that should also be considered...
Malaya Business News Online - Philippine Business News | Online News Philippines - DOST MICROFINANCE: P73B sales, 44,000 jobs: "SET UP is a no interest, no collateral, proposal-driven funding that must be paid back to the DOST after three years. “We would like to expand the budget but only to a point that we can manage it properly,” Montejo said. “We are very careful about this.” “It’s a very good program,” he observed, saying the returns are impressive. Montejo estimated that for every P50,000 that SET UP provides, one job is created, meaning the value in sustained wages for one year is higher than the financial support given. " CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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WELLNESS IN EDUCATION: Philippines, Czech Republic sign an agreement in culture, education, science and sports. Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario inked the pact on behalf of the Philippines while Czech Ambassador to the Philippines Josef Rychtar represented the Czech Republic. The agreement was proposed in 2005 and sets the stage for an expanded partnership that would harness the strength and best practices of both countries into a mutually-beneficial cooperation in culture, education, science and sports, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said.
Philippines, Czech Republic sign culture, education agreement | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | "The deal provides a framework for both sides "to strengthen and promote their respective capabilities and institutions covering the above mentioned areas and, in the process, contribute to the overall growth and developments of both countries," the department said. Upon the entry into force of the agreement, the old cultural agreement between the Philippines and the now-defunct Czechoslovakia, which entered into effect in 1974, will cease to apply." CLICK LINK ABOVE TO READ THE ARTICLE
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WELLNESS IN ARTS: Art exhibit for cancer patients. People Caring and Engaging Partners (PCEP), an NGO founded by neurologist Dr. Henri Lu, mounts an exhibit on July 26, 4 p.m. at the Cancer Center of Makati Medical Center, and from July 29 to 31 at the Ricco-Renzo Galleries, LRI Bldg., Nicanor Garcia St. (Formerly Reposo), Bel-Air 3, Makati City.
Art exhibit for cancer patients | Arts and Culture, Lifestyle Features, The Philippine Star | "PCEP, together with resident artist Lysa Tiongson San Agustin, aims to help alleviate the condition of cancer patients and their families thru art, which can help them cope with the emotional and physical challenges. It is the goal of PCEP to be the first in the Philippines to utilize art as therapy for cancer patients.
For information, call Ces P. Paje, RN Nursing and Administrative Services head of MMC Cancer Center, at 888-8999 locals 7120/7122, or e-mail" CLINK ABOVE LINK FOR MORE
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For information, call Ces P. Paje, RN Nursing and Administrative Services head of MMC Cancer Center, at 888-8999 locals 7120/7122, or e-mail" CLINK ABOVE LINK FOR MORE
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Monday, July 22, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Update: 2013 Goi Peace Award goes to Silsilah Dialogue Movement, a grassroots initiative promoting interfaith dialogue and peace in the Philippines. The annual Goi Peace Award honors individuals and organizations in various fields that have made outstanding contributions toward the realization of a peaceful and harmonious world for humanity and all life on earth. Created in 2000, previous Goi Peace Award recipients include James Lovelock, Oscar Arias, Bill Gates, Deepak Chopra and Helena Norberg-Hodge. On behalf of the Silsilah Dialogue Movement, Fr. Sebastiano D'Ambra, PIME, will receive the award at a ceremony during the Goi Peace Foundation Forum 2013 to be held at Nikkei Hall in Tokyo on November 27, 2013. The selection committee has chosen the Silsilah Dialogue Movement for the Goi Peace Award "in recognition of its many years of commitment to promote dialogue for peace and solidarity among Muslims and Christians in the Philippines. The dedicated efforts of the members of the movement have not only advanced the process towards lasting peace in their communities, but have inspired many people around the world with an example of true dialogue based on spirituality."
(80 unread) - wellnesspilipinas - Yahoo! Mail: "The Silsilah Dialogue Movement was officially founded in 1984 in Zamboanga City, Philippines by an Italian missionary Fr. Sebastiano D'Ambra, PIME, born out of his experience of violence and war in the 70's while on his first Philippine mission in Mindanao."
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Starting off with a group of Muslim and Christian friends joining Fr. D'Ambra in a dialogue, the movement has steadily grown on the grassroots level and has been involved actively and dynamically in fostering interfaith harmony and reconciliation in the Philippines for almost 30 years. Despite adversities such as the killing of its members, the movement has contributed significantly to building a culture of dialogue over the years, leading to the recent signing of the Framework Agreement for peace in Mindanao between the Philippine government and the Moro National Liberation Front. Silsilah is an Arabic word which literally means "chain" or "link". As used by the Sufis (Muslim mystics), it describes a process of attaining an experience of the Divine. It also implies spiritual linkage of humanity as created by the same God. The movement proposes a "life-in-dialogue," which encompasses dialogue with God, with self, with others and with creation. It encourages all people to undergo a process of personal transformation that leads to a social transformation. Silsilah offers various educational courses, seminars, training activities and exposure-immersion programs, reaching out to all sectors of society, including educators, youth, media, leaders, and the disadvantaged. Its initiatives not only focus on interfaith dialogue, but also on sustainable agriculture, environmental advocacy, holistic healthcare and a wide range of community services. Among the thousands of Muslim and Christian alumni who have participated in these programs, many of them are active in governments, NGOs, schools, religious communities and parishes. There are currently 18 Silsilah Forums formed by alumni and friends of the movement that are promoting the culture of dialogue and peace in different areas in the Philippines and beyond. For more information about the Silsilah Dialogue Movement, please visit: About the Goi Peace Foundation Established in Tokyo, Japan in 1999, the Goi Peace Foundation is a public benefit organization with a mission to support the evolution of humanity toward a peaceful and harmonious new civilization. Through various educational and outreach programs, it promotes consciousness, values and wisdom for creating peace, and builds cooperation among individuals and organizations across diverse fields, including education, science, culture and the arts. The Foundation is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. It also maintains official relations with UNESCO. Website: May Peace Prevail On Earth! |
Dedicate a Peace Pole! Join the Peace Pole Network The World Peace Prayer Society 26 Benton Road Wassaic, New York 12592 |
Wellness in Environment: Philippine Airlines issued a statement on its Facebook page stating that the airline will no longer transport "any and all types of primates destined for cruel research and experimentation." The airline's statement explains that this new policy is a direct result of PETA's relentless efforts to urge it to stop shipping primates destined for painful and deadly experiments.
"Since earlier this year, PETA Asia and our affiliates have protested colorfully at Philippine Airlines offices around the world. Recently, PETA Asia activists even visited two of the company's ticket offices to let customers know about the cruelty that they were supporting by flying on the airline. Other activists also lent a helping hand by conducting demonstrations at Philippine Airlines offices in Sydney, Taipei, Seoul, and elsewhere."
From: Jason Baker
Vice President
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Asia
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From: Jason Baker
Vice President
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Asia
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CELEBRATE WORLD PEACE IN YOUR PLACE, IN YOUR COMPANY OR IN YOUR CIVIC CLUBS WITH WELLNESS FOR PEACE BY AMBASSADOR ZARA JANE JUAN STARTING SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 ONWARDS....."PATUNGO SA MAPAYAPA, MALUSOG AT MAASENSONG PINOY!!!"........ In response to World Health Organization’s call to lessen the augment of lifestyle diseases of stroke, cancer & diabetes; and in compliance to United Nations’ Climate Change Peace Building Campaign, the program Wellness Series on Tour® is back! Penned by Ambassador Zara Jane Juan from her remarkable experiences as Ambassador of Goodwill since 2003, Wellness for Peace® is a Modular Program for Nation-Building implemented through Seminars and Workshops meant to achieve peace at home, at school and at the workplace, by using the Author’s guidelines on wellness in mind, body, spirit, environment & economics. Now on Sponsored Tour, it gives FREE One Hour Wellness for Peace® Workshop to selected leaders and policy makers who are members of the Civic Clubs especially Rotary, Zonta, Soroptimist and Jaycees International. The said workshop is also given for free to selected government, private and media offices. It consists of yoga for stress management, wellness food tips, and peace leadership tips, plus it has wellness games and prizes to add some spice! This interactive sensible workshop is a swift practical wellness for everyone and can be included in significant events on health, women, men, children, environment, technology, business, arts, education, culture, sports, and good governance. The Sponsors of the Tour will also allot goods for the organizers of significant events as ex-deal sponsorship whenever the workshop is included in their schedule. Thus, may we invite you to participate by reserving your target date in Metro Manila, Philippines starting September 2013 onwards. We shall entertain two bookings per month. Should you find this interesting, kindly give us a call or text us @ smart mobile 639295197788 for your target schedule. To confirm your participation in the Wellness Series Tour®, kindly e-mail your intention and details to: For bookings to other countries and other places, and for any more of your concerns, please call the Author directly at +639266787938. Thank you and wishing you all the best always! Peace & Love! God bless you! Wellness Pilipinas! Group of Companies
Profile of Ambassador ZARA JANE JUAN
Author & Resource Speaker, Wellness for Peace® Modular Program (Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation Campaign, Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace 2011) Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador, UN International Day of Peace (Sailing for Peace Worldwide Peace Vigil 2011-2015)
Citations as Author, Resource Speaker, Media Practitioner & Peace Ambassador:
University of the Philippines Manila as UN Ambassador for International Day of Peace 2011
Far Eastern University of the Philippines as Guest Speaker on Climate Change & Wellness
Medal of Honor Awardee by Diocese of Novaliches Philippines
Rotary Club of Loyola Heights QC as writer, resource speaker, television host and producer, advocate of culture, arts, environment, women and children's causes, proponent of wellness and animal protection
Catholic Educational Association of the Phil (CEAP) for the significant role and contribution to health and wellness, transformative education and stewardship of creation
Office of the President (NCRFW) on “Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment & Economics, a tool for Nation-Building”
Royal Order of Sulu and Sabah as Lady Knight and Ambassador of Goodwill
Children International as Ambassador of Goodwill on “Sailing for Peace Program Philippines”
Her List of Citations as Author & Resource Speaker:
Plaque of Appreciation from Philippine Heart Center on "Colors of Wellness"
Plaque of Appreciation from Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (PARM) on “Innovative Mind & Body”
Plaque of Appreciation from Office of the President NCDA on “Innovative Mind & Body”
Certificate of Appreciation from Roman Catholic Bishop of Novaliches Educational System (RCBN-ES) on “Innovative Mind & Body”
Certificate of Appreciation on “Colors of Wellness” from De La Salle University (DLSU) Manila
Plaque of Appreciation from St. Mary’s Pasay “On Mentoring Kids & Teens to Become Young Leaders”
Plaque of Appreciation on “Integrity in the Workplace” by San Lorenzo School, San Pedro Laguna
Plaque of Appreciation from San Roque Catholic School on “Corporate Communication”
Plaque of Appreciation on “Innovative Styles in Teaching” & “Vocation @ Work” from Treasury of the Golden Word School
Plaque of Appreciation on “Innovative Styles in Teaching” from Assoc of Private Schools in Batangas City
Plaque of Appreciation on “Colors of Wellness” from Assoc of Private Schools in Baguio City
Plaque of Recognition on “Innovative Mind & Body” from Dr. Carlos Lanting College, QC
Plaque of Appreciation on Leadership Training from Recoletos Academy, Antipolo, Rizal
Plaque of Appreciation on Public Speaking-A Breakthrough Approach! from University of Perpetual Help Cavite
Plaque of Appreciation on Artistic Exploration from Elizabeth Seton School, Las Piñas & Cavite
Plaque of Appreciation on Developing Positive Mental Attitude from Informatics
Plaque of Appreciation on “The Art of Leadership” from Philippine Cultural High School Manila
Certificate of Appreciation on Preparing Teachers for the Internet Age (Internet 101 Innovative Personality) from Kid's World Christian Academy, San Mateo Rizal
Certificate of Appreciation on "Balik-Bata"Workshop from Philippine Cultural High School, Mla
Certificate of Appreciation on “Innovative Mind & Body” from St. Matthew’s College, San Mateo
Certificate of Recognition on Personality Development from Sto. Niño School, Muntinlupa
Certificate of Recognition on Theatre Arts from Good Shepherd Cathedral School, QC
AmbassadorZara Jane Juan
• United Nations
Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador International Day of Peace Vigil by Sailing for Peace • 2011 to present
Republic of the Philippines
Public Speaker • 2005 to present
Global News Network
TV Host, Writer, Co-Producer • 2009 to present
Philam Life
Performing Artist & Producer, Stage Play at Philam Life Theater •2000 to 2006
Philippine International Convention Center
Performing Artist & Producer, Stage Play on Environment & Culture • Pasay City, Philippines • 2000 to 2006
AFP Theater
Performing Artist & Producer, Stage Play on Environment & Culture • 2000 to 2006
KFC Philippines
Producer, Value-Oriented School Tour Shows • In 1999
Producer, Value-Oriented Mall Shows • In 1998
The Araneta Center
Producer, Value-Oriented Mall Shows • In 1997
Producer, Public Information Campaign • In 1996
ABC 5 (Philippines)
Account Manager, Team Image Entertainment • 1995 to 1996
Ogilvy & Mather
Public Relations Associate • 1994 to 1995
Binibining Pilipinas
Binibining Pilipinas awardee & Ms. Hawaiian Tropic International Finalist • In 1993
International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam
Film Actress • In 1992
Ateneo de Manila University
Trainor/Performing Artist at ISO • 1991 to 1992
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Monday, July 8, 2013
WELLNESS IN BUSINESS: Toyota Motors will buy more local parts as it shifts to local stamping for key model, Vios. TMP, the largest automotive assembler in the country, sees sales growing by 25 per cent this year to 70,000 units. According to Rommel Gutierrez, vice president for corporate affairs, the company will shift back to local stamping and pressing which used to be done Indonesia and Thailand. Gutierrez said TMP, prior to the 1997 financial crisis, was doing the stamping and pressing not only for local assembly but for export to the two countries. The crisis forced TMP to scale down the stamping/pressing to about 15 percent of capacity and rely on imports. “We will focus on the bulky parts. This will save us on logistics costs since we do not have to import them,” Gutierrez said.
Malaya Business News Online - Philippine Business News | Online News Philippines - Toyota to use more local parts to make low-end Vios: "The stamping and pressing localization as well as the sourcing of more Philippine-made parts would enable TMP to double the local content of the Vios in 2014 from the present 20 percent to 40 percent. Gutierrez said the plan is to adopt the same for the Innova, the other model assembled locally, but no schedule has been set.TMP president Michinobu Sugata said the Sta. Rosa plant hopers to increase by 18 percent its production capacity to 36,300 units of Vios and Innova by the end of 2013, by rendering overtime and holiday work. The new Vios alone will account for 14,594 units to be built from July to December." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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WELLNESS IN EDUCATION: Department of Education to invest P100 million (US $2.3 million) in indigenous education. The allotted funds are to be used for capacity-building programs to train educators, partnership efforts between the government and Indigenous Peoples advocacy groups, and data analysis of domestic education. Armin Luistro, Secretary of the Department of Education said that the funds would be distributed across 100 districts in 15 regions this year. “This is part of our commitment to achieve the Education for All (EFA) 2015 targets and the Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations,” Luistro said.
Philippines: New Funding for Indigenous Education Programs | Open Equal Free: "The Philippines is home to over 100 distinct ethnolinguistic groups, and a total indigenous population of 11.3 million people. With the announcement, the government also stressed the right of Indigenous Peoples to be educated in a context that is respectful and supportive of their heritage, identity, and the value of their indigenous knowledge, cultural practices, and skills." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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Saturday, June 15, 2013
CHILDREN'S CAUSES UPDATE: "Street Child World Cup will continue its preparations for the final competition in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, in March 2014, as former street children will once again represent the nation against a host of other countries. The Street Child World Cup (SCWC) is held every four years, just weeks before the FIFA World Cup. Showcasing the best talents from around the world, the SCWC event raises the profile of street children and the issues faced by kids who lived, slept, and worked on the streets."
Countdown to Street Child World Cup continues for Philippine team | Sports | GMA News Online: "Street children are treated as less than humans in most countries, and across different cultures they are referred to as ‘vermin’, ‘the plague’, ‘insects’ and ‘the children of slaves.’ Thus, the purpose of the Street Child World Cup - to show the world how badly street children have been treated in so many countries and to assert that every child deserves to be treated as a human being. CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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WELLNESS IN EDUCATION: An interactive software meant to improve math scores for Filipino students was nominated for a prestigious international award for innovations in information communications technology. The Philippine-made mathematics courseware for tablet users is nominated to this year's Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF) Asia Awards, according to a statement issued Tuesday by the Philippine science department. Science Education Institute Director Filma G. Brawner welcomed the nomination saying this is "a good recognition to our collective effort in embracing innovation as we seek to improve science and math education in the country." "This will only fuel us to continue launching programs and projects that will advance our youth in science and technology," Brawner said in a statement."
Education software nominated for int'l award | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | "The math courseware was developed by the teachers, graphic designers and programmers from the Science Education Institute and the Advanced Science and Technology Institute. The courseware is composed of ten math lessons for primary students." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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WELLNESS IN ENVIRONMENT:: "The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) region 8 appealed to the public to be practical in food preparation and consumption in line with the Environment Month celebration for the whole month of June. Regional Executive Director Manolito Ragub said this is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation 237, signed by then President Corazon C. Aquino in 1988 declaring the observance of Philippine Environment Month in June of each year. The theme for this year is: “Think. Eat. Save.” adapting the theme of the United Nations (UN) World Environment Day on June 5, Ragub said. The theme underscores the campaign to reduce food waste and food loss as food wastage has consequences on hunger and poverty, nutrition, health, income generation and economic growth."
PIA | Philippine Information Agency | Environment Month 2013 to focus on campaign vs food waste, food loss: "To highlight the month-long celebration, DENR-8 is set to initiate activities geared not only towards increasing public awareness but also to sound a call to action aimed at sensitizing the various sectors from vendors, consumers to farmers on the importance of reducing food wastage from the various levels of the distribution chain. " CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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PEACE UPDATE: The international community is awaiting the implementation of the Bangsamoro framework agreement between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
Int’l community awaits peace deal | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | "The government and MILF panels are still working on the annexes of the agreement that will pave the way for the creation of the Bangsamoro which will replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao to better address the needs of the people in the region." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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Sunday, March 3, 2013
Children's Cause: World Bank said CCT program improved Pinoy kids’ nutritional status. The government’s conditional cash transfer (CCT) program, popularly known as the Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps), has significantly improved the nutritional status of poor Filipino children, according to a recent World Bank (WB) study. WB social protection specialist Junko Onishi said the 4Ps program has reduced severe stunting among poor children aged six to 36 months. Onishi said severe stunting, a measure of long term malnutrition, was 24 percent among children aged 6-36 months from non-Pantawid barangays to 14.7 percent in the villages not covered by the program. “Severe stunting can cause irreversible damage later in life, including lower educational attainment, reduced adult income and decreased offspring birth weight,” Onishi said. “This reduction in severe stunting indicates that CCT is enabling families to better care for their children. More parents in Pantawid barangays are feeding their children with high-protein food including eggs and fish, leading to improved nutritional status,” she said. Onishi said the CCT has helped improved the long-term nutritional status of younger children, which is a positive impact not seen in other CCTs at such an early stage.
WB: CCT program improved Pinoy kids’ nutritional status | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | "The study, entitled “Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer Program, Impact Evaluation 2012,” also found that poor households under the program spend 38 percent more in education per capita and 34 percent more on medical expenses per capita than their non-Pantawid counterparts.
“This trend indicates a shift in the spending pattern among CCT beneficiaries towards greater investments in health and education of their children,” said Nazmul Chaudhury, WB country sector coordinator for human development and a co-author of the report.
The study, conducted by the Social Weather Stations in October 2011, covered 3,742 households in the provinces of Lanao del Norte, Mountain Province, Negros Occidental, and Occidental Mindoro."
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“This trend indicates a shift in the spending pattern among CCT beneficiaries towards greater investments in health and education of their children,” said Nazmul Chaudhury, WB country sector coordinator for human development and a co-author of the report.
The study, conducted by the Social Weather Stations in October 2011, covered 3,742 households in the provinces of Lanao del Norte, Mountain Province, Negros Occidental, and Occidental Mindoro."
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Women's Causes: March, 2013 is National Women’s Month. With the theme “Kababaihan: Gabay sa Pagtahak sa Tuwid na Daan,” the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) leads the Celebration of National Women’s Month (NWM) on March 1-31, 2013. The theme, which supports H.E., President Benigno S. Aquino III’s vision of “tuwid na daan,” is also aligned with the Magna Carta of Women (Republic Act 9710). It underscores the need to accelerate women’s participation in governance and enhance gender perspective in upholding good governance. The celebration of NWM is pursuant to Proclamation No. 224 s. 1988 declaring the first week of March each year as Women’s Week and March 8 as Women’s Rights and International Peace Day; Proclamation No. 227 s. 1988 providing for the observance of the Month of March as Women’s Role in History Month; and Republic Act (RA) 6949 s. 1990 declaring March 8 of every year as National Women’s Day.
The 2013 National Women’s Month | The Manila Bulletin Newspaper Online: "Various events and activities have been lined up to mark NWM 2013. There will be a media launch of the Gender Equality Committee for Media (MGEC) policy documents on March 8, 2013, in coordination with the Presidential Communications Operations Office. A Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System (GFPS) Assembly will be held on March 13-14, 2013 to gather GFPS members from various agencies and Local Government Units to assess how gender mainstreaming has impacted the lives of both women and men.
Women leaders from various government instrumentalities will be honored in a program “Pagpupugay sa mga Kababaihang Namumuno sa Pagtahak sa Tuwid na Daan” on March 22, 2013. To create a network of empowered young women capable of sustaining what the Philippines has so far gained in addressing women and gender issues, a Young Women Leaders’ Forum is being planned.
We congratulate the Philippine Commission on Women led by Chairperson Remedios Ignacio-Rikken, Executive Director Emmeline L. Verzosa, other Officers and Members, and all the Filipino women of the Republic of the Philippines on the occasion of this year’s National Women’s Month. CONGRATULATIONS AND MABUHAY!"
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Women leaders from various government instrumentalities will be honored in a program “Pagpupugay sa mga Kababaihang Namumuno sa Pagtahak sa Tuwid na Daan” on March 22, 2013. To create a network of empowered young women capable of sustaining what the Philippines has so far gained in addressing women and gender issues, a Young Women Leaders’ Forum is being planned.
We congratulate the Philippine Commission on Women led by Chairperson Remedios Ignacio-Rikken, Executive Director Emmeline L. Verzosa, other Officers and Members, and all the Filipino women of the Republic of the Philippines on the occasion of this year’s National Women’s Month. CONGRATULATIONS AND MABUHAY!"
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Wellness in Science and Technology: 1st Philippine International Science Fair: More than five dozen researches and innovations from eight Asia-Pacific countries were showcased at the recent First Philippine International Science Fair in Antipolo City. Student scientists from Bangladesh, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan-Republic of China, Thailand and the Philippines attended the three-day event with the theme “Building a Culture of Science.” The Philippine Science High School (PSHS) System and the First Pacific Leadership Academy, with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Department of Education (DepEd), organized the fair “to nurture excellence in science and technology among students, to recognize and affirm the science and technology endeavors of students and to contribute to the development of a culture of science among the youth.”
1st Philippine International Science Fair | Inquirer News: "Education Secretary Armin Luistro said, “What we need are scientists who understand deeply our scientific concepts … and are able to translate these joyfully and simply for the rest of the world, most especially their peers.”
He expressed the hope that the Philippines would be able to build this culture of science in every elementary school, adding it was worthwhile to “reflect on the relevance of science in everyday life.”"
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He expressed the hope that the Philippines would be able to build this culture of science in every elementary school, adding it was worthwhile to “reflect on the relevance of science in everyday life.”"
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Wellness in Education: DepEd has earmarked an additional P250,000 grant to each private Muslim school (madaris) to upgrade their physical facilities and improve operational capabilities. DepEd said the one-time financial support forms part of the Sajahatra program which seeks to deliver public services to Bangsamoro communities as a result of the peace agreement signed on Oct. 15, 2012 between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Education Secretary Armin Luistro said the financial aid to private madaris is aimed at realizing the vision of bringing socio-economic progress and genuine human development to the Bangsamoro people through education. “When we invest in education, we also address a host of other socio-economic challenges that trigger conflict. With education, we spread the light of understanding and solidarity among people,” Luistro said. He said DepEd will extend the additional support to private madaris in coordination with the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process. Based on DepEd Order No. 6, one of the main objectives of the grant is to enable the private madaris to improve their operational capabilities and allow them to undertake necessary curriculum adjustments in order to deliver quality education to students.
"The end-goal is for them to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills while developing themselves as good Muslim Filipinos.
To qualify for the grant, private madaris must submit a letter of application for the fund mobilization complete with the name, address, contact details and the name of the head/principal of the school.
There must also be the endorsement of the OPAPP which should be prepared in coordination with OPAPP’s counterpart in the peace negotiation.
Another requirement is for the private madaris wishing to apply for the grant to have a minimum of 50 students.
President Aquino has included Madrasah education for Muslim learners as one of his priority concerns in his 10-point education agenda.
In 2011, he approved the allocation of P300 million -- from P200 million in 2010 – to fund various initiatives to ensure that the education the Muslims get is responsive to their specific learning needs. - Dennis Carcamo"
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Deped gives more financial aid to Muslim schools | Nation, News, The Philippine Star |
To qualify for the grant, private madaris must submit a letter of application for the fund mobilization complete with the name, address, contact details and the name of the head/principal of the school.
There must also be the endorsement of the OPAPP which should be prepared in coordination with OPAPP’s counterpart in the peace negotiation.
Another requirement is for the private madaris wishing to apply for the grant to have a minimum of 50 students.
President Aquino has included Madrasah education for Muslim learners as one of his priority concerns in his 10-point education agenda.
In 2011, he approved the allocation of P300 million -- from P200 million in 2010 – to fund various initiatives to ensure that the education the Muslims get is responsive to their specific learning needs. - Dennis Carcamo"
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Deped gives more financial aid to Muslim schools | Nation, News, The Philippine Star |
Wellness in Environment: The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has created a one-stop web page that contains all data on the state of the country’s environment and natural resources in one place. A statement from the DENR said the site is called the Environment and Natural Resources Statistics Information Systems (ENRSIS), – – . It is a centralized database online destination that provides an integrated information bank on current environmental and natural resources (ENR) facts and figures. DENR Secretary Ramon J. P. Paje said the ENRSIS is a useful tool for the public and organizations and institutions pushing for sustainable development through effective environmental planning. “By creating this centralized resource, the ENRSIS allows the public to use with greater efficiency the power of reliable information as a tool to empower themselves,” Paje said. Paje said that apart from serving as a repository of the government’s ENR data, the ENRSIS also facilitates easy collation and valid comparison of data across ENR sectors contained in a single format.
“With the ENRSIS, it is now easier to track the progress we are making over a wide variety of concerns or to compare and analyze varying ENR policies being implemented,” Paje pointed out.
Two web portals were built to support ENRSIS users – one for Land/Soil Resources Statistics (LSRS) and one for Water Resource Statistics (WRS). These portals contain data generated initially by some 13 agencies under a single format and will be updated regularly.
The agencies under the WRS portal are the DENR’s Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), National Water Resources Board (NWRB), Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA), Local Water Utilities Administration, Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS), and Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). "
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'via Blog this'PIA | Philippine Information Agency | DENR unveils all-in-one site for environment data: "
Two web portals were built to support ENRSIS users – one for Land/Soil Resources Statistics (LSRS) and one for Water Resource Statistics (WRS). These portals contain data generated initially by some 13 agencies under a single format and will be updated regularly.
The agencies under the WRS portal are the DENR’s Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), National Water Resources Board (NWRB), Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA), Local Water Utilities Administration, Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS), and Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). "
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Peace Update: Philippines Government, MILF To Form Team Monitoring Peace Progress
MANILA, Feb 9 (Bernama) -- The Philippines government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) will form the Third Party Monitoring Team (TPMT) to monitor implementation of the framework agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB) within this month.
Jun Mantawil, head of the MILF peace panel Secretariat, said MILF prefers the TPMT to be headed by "someone from Europe" and will consist of five to seven members, Xinhua news agency reported.
"The MILF is seriously considering someone from Europe to head the TPMT. It will be headed by an international eminent person and two others may be appointed as additional eminent persons," he said.
Four members from two local and two international non-government organisations will be nominated by the Philippines government and MILF.
The Philippines government and MILF peace panels will meet again this month to discuss remaining unresolved issues on the four annexes of the FAB: power-sharing, wealth-sharing, transitional arrangement and modalities, and normalisation.
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Wellness in Business: The Celebrity Obsession With Coconut Water Is Changing Life In The Philippines
Philippine farmer Liezl Balmaceda has never heard of Madonna, but the US pop star's endorsement of coconut water may help change her impoverished life for the better.
After centuries of replenishing Filipinos, the mineral-rich liquid has become a must-have health drink thanks to aggressive marketing by a beverage industry looking to offset soda sales that have lost their fizz.
Balmaceda, 33, and her husband process truckloads of coconuts at their backyard each week to get the meat that is turned into vegetable oil. The arduous labour earns the family of five about $9 a day, barely enough to get by.
"We just throw the water away when we extract the copra (coconut meat). But if you tell me people actually pay money to drink it, we could use the extra cash," she told AFP in rural Mulanay town, four hours' drive south of Manila.
In his most recent state of the nation address, President Benigno Aquino hailed coconut water as one of the country's most promising new export opportunities.
He cited industry figures showing exports jumping more than nine-fold to 16.76 million litres (4.4 million gallons) in 2011.
Manila-based Fruits of Life is one local business to have started profiting from the growing appreciation in the West for coconut water as an alternative to sugar-laden carbonated drinks.
"People have become more health-conscious in general," said Phoebe de la Cruz, sales manager for Fruits of Life.
"Athletic types have taken to coco water for its natural electrolytes."
Fruits of Life, which began exporting its own branded product in 2006, now exports about 240 tonnes in cans and tetra packs a year directly to supermarket chains in the United States and Canada.
The biggest players in the global beverage industry, including Coca-Cola and Pepsi, have also jumped into the coconut water health drink craze in recent years.
ZICO, a US coco water brand majority owned by Coca-Cola, has supermodel Gisele Bundchen and basketball star Kevin Garnett as its endorsers.
Meanwhile, pop stars such as Madonna and Rihanna, as well as baseball player Alex Rodriguez, are among celebrity shareholders in Vita Coco, one of the other major brands.
Its 0.33-litre (11-ounce), $3 drink is touted as a healthier alternative to energy drinks for athletes and the company boasts an office in New York's Flatiron District.
The Philippines is already the world's biggest exporter of coconut products.
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Wellness in Arts: Philippine Arts Festival to spotlight regional and campus theater groups, regional cinema
Regional theater organizations and university drama groups will be the highlight of this year’s Tanghal Theater Festival, the flagship project of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts’ (NCCA) National Committee on Dramatic Arts (NCDA).
NCDA is under the NCCA’s Subcommission on the Arts.
Tanghal is in celebration of National Arts Month (NAM) every February and part of Philippine Arts Festival (PAF). Theme of the 2012 PAF is “Ani ng Sining: Celebrating Icons.”
The theater festival will take place at Bicol University in Legazpi, Albay, on Feb. 11-13, and Xavier University in Cagayan de Oro, Feb. 13-16.
On Feb. 18-20, Tanghal will be in the National Capital Region. On Feb. 22-25, it will be in Bohol.
There will be special performances of two collaborative regional productions that were started in 2012—“Biyaheng Luzon” in Bicol, and “Damgo sa Gab-I sa Tunga sang Tig-adlaw,” a multi-Visayan language adaptation of William Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” in Bohol.
There will be about 1,200 participants this year. Fringe performances tapping experimental spaces will also be mounted.
There will also be seminars, workshops, talks and exhibits.
Likha Asean 1 will feature community theaters and creative industries in Southeast Asia.
Tanghal festival director is Lutgardo Labad, head of the NCDA. Its theme is “Mga Imahen ng Harayang Filipino” (Icons of the Filipino Imagination). Read more @
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Presidential Communications Operations Office – Committee on Media Affairs and Strategic Communications (PCOO – CMASC) in partnership w/ Asia Society Philippines & Asian Institute of Management (AIM) hosted the ASEAN 2017 Dialogues held 11 July 2017 at AIM, Makati, Philippines. Attending the dialogue is Amb.Zara Jane Juan, Convener , Climate Change Peace Building for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNDSG) of sailing for peace United Nation's International Day of Peace Vigil MALUSOG ANG PINOY! United Nations Friends Photo Credit: Aloy Menez
Senator Angara with Ambassador Zara Jane Juan