Malaya Business News Online - Philippine Business News | Online News Philippines - DOST MICROFINANCE: P73B sales, 44,000 jobs: "SET UP is a no interest, no collateral, proposal-driven funding that must be paid back to the DOST after three years. “We would like to expand the budget but only to a point that we can manage it properly,” Montejo said. “We are very careful about this.” “It’s a very good program,” he observed, saying the returns are impressive. Montejo estimated that for every P50,000 that SET UP provides, one job is created, meaning the value in sustained wages for one year is higher than the financial support given. " CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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What is Wellness Pilipinas?
The Philippines' response to the call of World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 to lessen the augment of Lifestyle Diseases of stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc, and the country's compliance to United Nations Climate Change Peace Building Campaign in 2007. Wellness Pilipinas! was conceived by "Wellness for Peace" Author, Public Speaker & former Peace Ambassador Zara Jane Juan. It consists of pep talks, workshops, symposiums & fora meant to achieve wellness in mind, body, spirit & economics as tools for peace & nation-building. Wellness Pilipinas aired as a live TV show at GNN via G-SAT Asia from 2009-2010 supported by private and public corporations
Thursday, July 25, 2013
WELLNESS IN BUSINESS: DOST MICROFINANCE for small businesses created P73B sales, 44,000 jobs and penetrated over 2,200 new markets within 10 years. The half billion-peso alloted this year for DOST’s Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program or SET UP will be expanded next year . Science Secretary Mario G. Montejo refused to name an exact number citing organizational, logistical factors that should also be considered...
Presidential Communications Operations Office – Committee on Media Affairs and Strategic Communications (PCOO – CMASC) in partnership w/ Asia Society Philippines & Asian Institute of Management (AIM) hosted the ASEAN 2017 Dialogues held 11 July 2017 at AIM, Makati, Philippines. Attending the dialogue is Amb.Zara Jane Juan, Convener , Climate Change Peace Building for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNDSG) of sailing for peace United Nation's International Day of Peace Vigil MALUSOG ANG PINOY! United Nations Friends Photo Credit: Aloy Menez
Senator Angara with Ambassador Zara Jane Juan