Tuberculosis is every Filipino's business - Special Reports - GMA News Online - Latest Philippine News: "Through the Department of Health’s National Tuberculosis Control Program (NTP) and with the support of local governments, the Philippines achieved great strides in TB control since the institution of the DOTS strategy in the mid-1990s. The country needs to push this momentum forward to accelerate the gains in TB control.
DOTS stands for Directly Observed Treatment Short course. It is a comprehensive strategy adopted by the Government’s National TB Control Program and endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) which ensures diagnosis, treatment, and cure of TB patients. Its implementation is based on five elements: (1) Government commitment to control TB, thus ensuring availability of sustained resources for TB control and management activities; (2) Good quality diagnosis using sputum smear microscopy as the primary diagnostic tool; (3) Standardized treatment regimen using good quality drugs and guaranteed uninterrupted drug supply; (4) Directly-observed treatment by a treatment partner; and, (5) Standardized recording and reporting of TB data.
The TB LINC Project is a USAID-assisted and DOH-led initiative to sustain the coordination and collaboration of TB control partners from both the public and private sectors."
What is Wellness Pilipinas?
The Philippines' response to the call of World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 to lessen the augment of Lifestyle Diseases of stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc, and the country's compliance to United Nations Climate Change Peace Building Campaign in 2007. Wellness Pilipinas! was conceived by "Wellness for Peace" Author, Public Speaker & former Peace Ambassador Zara Jane Juan. It consists of pep talks, workshops, symposiums & fora meant to achieve wellness in mind, body, spirit & economics as tools for peace & nation-building. Wellness Pilipinas aired as a live TV show at GNN via G-SAT Asia from 2009-2010 supported by private and public corporations
Presidential Communications Operations Office – Committee on Media Affairs and Strategic Communications (PCOO – CMASC) in partnership w/ Asia Society Philippines & Asian Institute of Management (AIM) hosted the ASEAN 2017 Dialogues held 11 July 2017 at AIM, Makati, Philippines. Attending the dialogue is Amb.Zara Jane Juan, Convener , Climate Change Peace Building for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNDSG) of sailing for peace United Nation's International Day of Peace Vigil MALUSOG ANG PINOY! United Nations Friends Photo Credit: Aloy Menez
Senator Angara with Ambassador Zara Jane Juan