WHO | What you can do: World Hepatitis Day 2016: "! Here are some ideas on what you can do. Find out if there is a national focal point for hepatitis in your country. If not, encourage your Ministry of Health to identify one – or ask an NGO (nongovernmental organization) - this is key! Encourage the focal point, Ministry of Health and partners to commemorate World Hepatitis Day Organize events (e.g. sports activity, fun run/walk, concert, fundraiser event) to raise political support and public awareness. Talk to health professionals and interest groups, such as doctors, nurses, patient groups and civil society – hold a workshop to spread the word about hepatitis, the risks, and mobilize for action. Talk to the media, hold a press conference or push TV/radio to feature interviews with Ministry of Health leadership and national partners; raise publicity and make viral hepatitis subject visible. Hold a public hepatitis testing event. Invite high-level leaders, such as presidents, prime ministers, ministers, celebrities and high-profile artists, to take hepatitis test. This will encourage other people to step forward and get tested. Public testing (keeping results confidential) worked well for campaigns against HIV/AIDS. Promote and share communications materials prepared by the World Health organization and adapt / translate to suit your audience. Develop a factsheet, including a national or local success story, for your country. If possible, include estimates of people with chronic hepatitis B and C, main routes of transmission of hepatitis B and C, and describe what the country is doing. A factsheet can be a great information source for advocacy."
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