Communists in Philippines Raid Mining Facilities in South | Asia | English: "The president’s spokesman, Edwin Lacierda, says the attacks on the mines did not help matters. “It undermines the peace process. On our end, we have been doing confidence-building measures and on the side of the rebels, they’ve been doing confidence-erosion measures,” says Lacierda.
The leftist group’s head peace negotiator Luis Jalandoni called it a “positive action.” “Such action should give a signal to the government of Aquino that his mining policies which go for investments but do not regard properly the livelihood and the health and welfare of the indigenous communities and do not give proper attention to the protection of the environment that he should consider changing it,” he said. Jalandoni says the leftists’ proposal in peace negotiations includes a solution to their demand for more equitable economic benefits from the region’s natural resources.
Note: The president has been touting the mining potential in the southern island of Mindanao, which is currently worth about $3.8 billion. The government projects increased mining investment could reach $18 billion by 2016. But this could only happen if the region is stable, which is why the Aquino administration has been pushing peace negotiations with the leftists.
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What is Wellness Pilipinas?
The Philippines' response to the call of World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 to lessen the augment of Lifestyle Diseases of stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc, and the country's compliance to United Nations Climate Change Peace Building Campaign in 2007. Wellness Pilipinas! was conceived by "Wellness for Peace" Author, Public Speaker & former Peace Ambassador Zara Jane Juan. It consists of pep talks, workshops, symposiums & fora meant to achieve wellness in mind, body, spirit & economics as tools for peace & nation-building. Wellness Pilipinas aired as a live TV show at GNN via G-SAT Asia from 2009-2010 supported by private and public corporations
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Senator Angara with Ambassador Zara Jane Juan