Vegetable gardens to help improve nutrition of public school children | The Manila Bulletin Newspaper Online: "To scale up “Gulayan sa Paaralan,” DepEd estimates an initial cost to start a school garden to cover the cost of seeds, fertilizer, garden tools and farm implements, farmer’s hut, nursery and fencing in all of the country’s 42,076 public elementary and high schools involving 1.8 million students in the Gulayan Project, constituting 15 percent of all public schools in the country.
East West Seed Co. is OMG’s implementing partner in this program, providing technical expertise in modern vegetable farming.
The OMG advocacy program, aims to address the problem of hidden hunger among school children. It is an advocacy program to create awareness about the nutritional value of common vegetables and encourage families to include these in their diets."
What is Wellness Pilipinas?
The Philippines' response to the call of World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 to lessen the augment of Lifestyle Diseases of stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc, and the country's compliance to United Nations Climate Change Peace Building Campaign in 2007. Wellness Pilipinas! was conceived by "Wellness for Peace" Author, Public Speaker & former Peace Ambassador Zara Jane Juan. It consists of pep talks, workshops, symposiums & fora meant to achieve wellness in mind, body, spirit & economics as tools for peace & nation-building. Wellness Pilipinas aired as a live TV show at GNN via G-SAT Asia from 2009-2010 supported by private and public corporations
Presidential Communications Operations Office – Committee on Media Affairs and Strategic Communications (PCOO – CMASC) in partnership w/ Asia Society Philippines & Asian Institute of Management (AIM) hosted the ASEAN 2017 Dialogues held 11 July 2017 at AIM, Makati, Philippines. Attending the dialogue is Amb.Zara Jane Juan, Convener , Climate Change Peace Building for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNDSG) of sailing for peace United Nation's International Day of Peace Vigil MALUSOG ANG PINOY! United Nations Friends Photo Credit: Aloy Menez
Senator Angara with Ambassador Zara Jane Juan